*Introducing* Kit of the Month

A subscription box for your crane game

Redemption Plus
R+ Blog
4 min readJan 10, 2018


What’s essential to running a profitable crane game program? High quality plush that’s relevantly themed or trendy and consistent win rates (because winners=players) are two of the main ingredients to a profitable crane game operation.

There can be lots of planning involved — You should be asking yourself: “What will be popular in a few months? Will the plush items I pick be high-quality and drive game plays? How to do find plush that meets my quality criteria in a consistent price range month over month?”

Unfortunately, these decisions are frequently made on guesses. We don’t know about you, but we like certainty! That’s why we created our Kit of the Month (KOM) program, to help you simplify and maximize the profits of your crane program.

What is KOM?

Our Kit of the Month program is just like any other subscription box program you’re a part of. You sign up and receive your new, high-quality plush kit at the start of the month, automatically. It’s hassle-free. Well… you will have to physically stock your crane with the new kit each month, but that’s all!

You don’t pay for the items until they ship and you can cancel at any time. Plus, It’s 100% backed by our Happiness Guarantee! (See our return policy here.)

Why you can’t live without KOM!

Without Kit of the Month, you risk having stale product in your cranes for months at a time. This discourages guests, especially repeat guests, from playing your crane games, which hurts your profitability.

In the Kit of the Month program, the new mix every few weeks keeps guests playing! It provides your cranes with a seasonal mix of trendy plush that arrives just in time to drive game play. For example, our January Kit of the Month is Valentine’s-Day themed animals, which gives you a whole month to sell through before the holiday is over!
Just look at how lovable they look! 👇😍

Being a part of Kit of the Month also reduces product decisions, reduces ordering time and makes managing your crane program more efficient. With similar size and price points each month, you won’t have to adjust your win rates and payouts will be consistent, which also attracts players.

The kit features a different, generic theme of crane merchandise. It’s designed to be a convenient and affordable service that keeps your cranes irresistible and your guests intrigued. Here are some of our past kits:

When do I get my KOM?

If you want some more time to decide, you don’t have to sign up in January. You can sign up at any time in any month. After you sign up, your kits ship automatically each month.

How does KOM work?

Signing up is easy breezy. Click on the link below and enter your information into the “Sign Me Up” form. That’s it!

Sign Me Up!

Once you get your kit, you’ll need to stock it into your cranes. Check out our lesson “Merchandising Cranes” in our Merchandising 101 eCourse! There, you’ll find best practices and other ways to ensure your crane is set up for success.

“Who” will KOM be featuring this year?

Wondering what themes are slated for the rest of 2018? “Gnome Boys” are up for February, followed by “Frizzy Flyers” in March and “Fast Foodies” in April.

Other themes we’ll be incorporating into your Kit of the Month are Enchanted Animals, Monster Mania, Aloha Animals and Voodoo Fun!

Looking for more change in 2018?

If you’re searching for other ways to revamp your crane and merchandiser program, you’ll want to read this.

We’re always ready to help you with any aspect of your business, whether it be redesigning your redemption or game area, redoing your product assortment or streamlining your ordering processes! Give us a call if we can help you in any way.

Don’t miss out on all our product trend coverage… sign up for our emails!

This article is by Tabatha Bender, a Connection Crusader at Redemption Plus.

Insights Empower is a collection of thoughts & insights to inspire, educate and connect the Family Entertainment & Bowling Center industry. From the team at Redemption Plus, est. 2017 🎉

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Redemption Plus
R+ Blog

Serving the family entertainment industry with services that simplify and prizes that perform.