Summer Reopen Tips ☀️

How to start fresh after COVID-19

Redemption Plus
R+ Blog
4 min readJun 4, 2020


There’s no doubt you are ready for things to start looking normal at your center again! Please be sure you are adhering to your local authorities and the guidelines around reopening your business and redemption area.

We have some tips for you to help you reopen your redemption area successfully and safely.

1 | Be sure you’re subscribed to our emails. 💌

We know your business has been hit hard in the last couple of months. Each week in June, we will be doing a “deal of the week” to help you lower the restart investments for redemption product.

We have other financial relief options that may be applicable to your business if you have an outstanding invoice. Please call our customer service team to see if you qualify.

2 | Start with correct POS inventory data

You’re likely to have a decreased guest count and increased downtime as you reopen. Use this time wisely by conducting a full POS inventory audit. Having old or bad data in your system causes countless operational problems. Now is a great time to clean out old items you no longer have in your space and to ensure your inventory number for each item is accurate.

If you are unsure how to update the inventory in your system, we have tutorials for you depending on your POS provider.

Click here for Embed training. Click here for Intercard training.

3 | Safety Suggestions for Redemption

We put together some safety recommendations to help keep your guests and staff safe. Cleaning is something that should be normalized during business hours, in front of your customers. Not only does this reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19, but it also provides psychological safety for your customers while in the facility.

We recommend implementing changes to your redemption space that will minimize the touching of your redemption product. Read all of the recommendations here.

Redemption Plus also added a line of personal protective equipment items. We now carry disposable masks, face shields, floor stickers and hand sanitizer. Shop PPE items.

4 | Reopen toolkit

If you are looking for resources for reopening best practices, check out our COVID-19 Reopen Toolkit. Undoubtedly, you face many operational changes before you can reopen after COVID-19 shutdowns. We hope to provide you with as many resources as possible to make implementing those changes easy. In this toolkit, you’ll find resources on marketing, training, protocol change recommendations and more.

5 | Keep your Redemption Plus account up-to-date.

You have probably implemented staff changes over the past two or so months. It’s important to ensure the correct information is attached to your Redemption Plus account. If you have employees who are no longer with you, please let us know. In addition, we need to know who will be in charge of your redemption area moving forward. This will ensure a seamless communication line between us and your staff.

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Redemption Plus
R+ Blog

Serving the family entertainment industry with services that simplify and prizes that perform.