18 Again! Thoughts on nearly 2 decades at Centerline Digital

david baeumler
Insights From Centerline Digital
2 min readOct 15, 2015

Do you remember where were you when Titanic grossed $1 billion at the box office? When the Spice Girls’ dropped their debut album? Or when the capital of Kazakhstan moved from Almaty to Astana? I do. Because that’s when I started at Centerline.

A lot of people have asked me how things were different here eighteen years ago. Naturally, I could say there were fewer people (3) and we didn’t offer as many services (web strategy = ducking in basements) but really, you can say that every year at Centerline. The growth in what we do and the talent we gain year over year is mind-boggling to me.

But I would like to share one difference I see that has huge implications for Centerline today.

In those early years, Centerline survived and thrived by force of will. Every job was a resume piece that could either make or break us. We had to know our clients backwards and forwards and over-deliver 100% of the time. All the while, bigger production companies in town would openly say things like, “We’re going to wipe you off the map.” So we rallied around that, dug in and made it a badge of honor to be a Centerliner.

Today, we are a big company in Raleigh. The quality and brainiosity we’re capable of is light years beyond where we used to be. And when you join a company that is already stable and successful, it’s hard to feel that its survival depends on you.

It’s sort of like being in an army during peacetime. You’re capable and you know the drills — but it’s totally different than storming the beaches. There’s professional pride in doing a good job — but it’s different than the pride of overcoming incredible odds. And there’s camaraderie of marching in synch — but it’s different than refusing to let each other down to accomplish the mission.

But here’s the thing. Nothing has really changed. There are plenty of companies that would love to take our clients. They just happen to be the biggest and most respected agencies in the world. And if we’re not constantly doing better, smarter, more innovative work, we also risk getting flanked by smaller, hungrier startups.

I’ve always carried a chip on my shoulder from those early Centerline days. And I’ve always been proud to say I’m a Centerliner. Because pride comes from knowing you helped build something.

That’s your opportunity now. I had no idea 18 years ago we’d be a company of nearly 150 people. Maybe you’ll help us grow to 1,500. Then in 18 years people will telepathically ask you what the hell it was like back in the old days when there was just one Centerline office…on a distant blue planet called Earth.

