How JCW Acoustic Supplies Use SpecifiedBy to Bring Their Products and CPDs to a New, Digital Audience of Specifiers

Darren Lester
Specifier Insights
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2021

JCW Acoustic Supplies, part of the JCW Group, is the UK’s leading manufacturer and supplier of soundproofing and sound absorption products — providing ‘one stop shop’ for sound solutions.

CHALLENGE — Gaining Specifiers’ Attention

JCW Acoustics Supplies work closely with Architects and the team is considered a trusted partner by many of the architects they work with due to their expert advice.

A common challenge JCW Acoustics Supplies faced was gaining the specifiers attention initially at the research stage of projects.

“Grabbing the specifier’s attention in the first place is key to getting your product into their designs, but is often difficult in a saturated market.

We set ourselves apart by taking a different approach to competitors. We pride ourselves on our technical knowledge, the quality of our advice and service and our years of experience.

This year has also seen an increased need for a more digitally focused approach, as an impact of the lack of face to face contact due to Covid”.

Simon Masson, Specification Development Manager

SOLUTION — An Online Channel Which Targets & Influences Architects & Specifiers

JCW Acoustics Supplies immediately knew SpecifiedBy was that online channel that they were looking for to help them reach more architects and “grab their attention”.

JCW Acoustics long term goal is to build long standing relationships with Architect and be seen as an extended part of their in-house team.

SpecifiedBy allows them to showcase their products and make sure they are found by those who need them today and also share their educational content, including CPDs and useful articles and updates, to an engaged digital audience.

“Our aim is to work with Architects to form strong partnerships and to be seen as the “go to company” for Acoustics Supplies before they even make a start on their drawings. SpecifiedBy offers us increased digital exposure and route to achieve that.”

Since joining SpecifiedBy, JCW Acoustics have found the onboarding and the product set up experience was a smooth and well managed process.

“The help and assistance whilst setting up JCW Acoustics SpecifiedBy page was both speedy and timely by the exceptionally knowledgeable content team.”

RESULTS — Increased Visibility of Who Needs Their Products, and a New Audience for Their CPDs

A frustration that JCW Acoustics often experienced was the lack of reporting and analytics around interactions from some of their marketing activities and it could be difficult to measure the success.

Now JCW experience real-time analytics making it really simple to track all of JCW Acoustics most important performance metrics.

“An issue we often face is the lack of feedback from existing platforms we were using to market to specifiers; we could not see who interested in or viewing our products. It was difficult to drill down on information.

SpecifiedBy offered a solution that would offer alerts and updates so that we could follow these leads and opportunities up.”

JCW Acoustics have also gained success from using SpecifiedBy to promote their CPD programme.

“The CPD feature within SpecifiedBy allows us to share and promote our CPD’s to new audience to bridging the gap of our usual face to face approach. This part of the SpecifiedBy platform has definitely performed better than we’ve seen using other methods.”

Join hundreds of other companies using SpecifiedBy to increase brand awareness and generate more specification leads. Book a Demo today.



Darren Lester
Specifier Insights

CEO & Founder @SpecifiedBy from N.Ireland, living in Newcastle (via Edinburgh). Helping to digitise the construction industry.