4 Reasons Design in Marketing Matters More Than You Think

The Incubator
Insights from The Incubator
2 min readSep 13, 2016

When it comes to marketing your business, do you pay enough attention to design and user experience? Our UX specialist, Alborz Heydaryan, explains why you should in our first Studio Session. (Transcript below.)

Here are 4 ways design can be used to better market your business.

1. Creating a Connection

Your logo and how you represent yourself online can help tell your story, even to those who have never heard of you. Your logo is often the first thing potential customers see, so use the opportunity to make a good first impression and say a little bit about yourself.

2. Building Trust

Everyone can tell the difference between a website that has been done properly and one that was created in a rush, even if they don’t know anything about design. A well-done website helps inspire confidence in your customers; not only because it looks professional, but also because it shows that you care about every detail — like the experience your customers are having online.

3. Showing Authenticity

Your brand should reflect your business, not the other way around. When making design decisions, focus on what sets you apart from your competition, and you could use this to represent your business authentically in your branding.

4. Creating Consistency

Make sure your business is represented consistently, be it on your website, business cards, or Facebook cover photo. Pay attention to details, especially the language you use online. If your business has a friendly tone, make sure it’s consistent on every page of your website. Lastly, remember the importance of design. Think of your branding as an outfit that your business wears. It tells a lot about you. Imagine a job interview. Even if you are the most qualified person for the job, dressing or representing yourself poorly might just be the reason that you don’t get the job. I hope that helps. Now let’s get designing!

“Think of your branding as an outfit. It tells a lot about you. Even if you’re the most qualified person for a job, if you dress poorly for an interview, you might not get the job.”

— Alborz Heydaryan, UX, The Incubator

What does your visual branding say about you? Book a complimentary consultation with one of our specialists. Emailhello@theincubator.io or call 1–888–713–2826 to get started.



The Incubator
Insights from The Incubator

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