Introducing all new results pages

Matt Milosavljevic
Insights & Observations
2 min readApr 9, 2018

Early this February we launched our new testing platform which was our biggest product update ever. Since then, we have been hard work on a major update to the results pages that make UsabilityHub significantly more powerful. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights.

🖌 All new design

First things first, the results pages have been given a fresh coat of paint. With people creating much longer tests these days the previous layout could get a bit unwieldy. The new design helps you view and filter responses more easily and lays the groundwork for even more exciting things to come.

🔥 Improved click analysis

We have dramatically improved our click analysis tools, giving you the ability to more easily compare click behaviour across multiple highlighted regions. Additionally, you can now filter responses across the whole test to people who clicked within certain regions.

🎯 Per question filtering

Given that tests are now composed of multiple sections, we’ve added the ability to apply filters to questions, clicks and preferences, which filters responses across the entire test. Additionally, you can chain filters to drill down into specifics. For example: “Show me responses from people that picked design A, clicked in region B and answered C on a survey question.”

💫 More coming soon…

We have a lot of exciting stuff in the works, including individual tester profiles, easier navigation for longer tests, white-labelled results pages, and a raft of design improvements.

Check out the updates now.

