Emotional Connection with Plants

By Barbod Zolanvari

Barbod zolanvari
Insights of Nature
3 min readFeb 11, 2024


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After years of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that plants also understand feelings and emotions. By providing the environment needed by plants to grow and thrive, we can increase the growth and vitality of our own plants and flowers.

Do flowers and plants understand emotional connection and have feelings?

Many researchers have been working on studying plants’ understanding of feelings or emotional relationships and even pain. Do plants understand things like humans? Humans have five senses. Taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell. These feelings help us navigate the world and detect danger signs. We use these emotions to make daily decisions. For example, when it rains, we carry an umbrella with us, and when we feel the weather is hot, we take off our warm clothes. But do plants also have these senses and can they show resistance against these external factors?

gift flowers

Do flowers react to their environment?

Although plants may seem inactive, I must say that they have their own emotional system and are designed in a way that they react to dangers or other changes in their environment. Flowers and plants may not have eyes, ears, or tongues, but their skin can perform many of these functions for them. They can also perceive darkness and light. They even know when there is more light. They know when to grow or flower. Not only do plants know when it’s raining, or when the wind is blowing, but they can also react accordingly. Dr. Kim Johnson, a researcher at the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Plant Sciences, researches the world of plants. According to Dr. Kim, plants are constantly affected by their environmental pressures. You can actually see how plants and flowers react to these physical stresses as they change their shape. Therefore, if a plant is exposed to continuous wind, it will change its shape for better resistance. If its roots hit a rock, they will grow around it. So they understand their surroundings. Dr. Johnson’s research can have a tremendous effect on the world’s industries, including the agricultural industry.

House plants

Differences in plant growth:

Plants grow in a different way than us humans, because when we are born, our body plan is clear, but plants have a simple structure with which they start to grow, and then organs, leaves, roots and flowers are born. The key point of plants’ reaction to external factors is their skin. Just like humans, plants also need a protective layer to be placed between the internal part and the unpleasant external environment. The epidermis of the skin of a plant is like the epidermis of our skin and protects the internal structure and prevents water loss. But this is an ideal place to have a feeling that endures environmental stresses. The skin of the plant does many things. The epidermis of the plant is a layer of cells that must be thin enough to allow sunlight to pass through to the inner layer of cells responsible for plant photosynthesis. But on the other hand, it should be strong enough to prevent damage and pressure to the plant.

The relationship between flowers and humans

Can plants see or hear?

Today, scientists believe that plants and flowers can perceive different colors. Scientists even believe that some plants can detect defense chemicals or hormones to help them.

Do plants communicate with each other?

Studies have shown that plants can warn other plants about the dangers and threats of fungi, predators such as plant lice. Plants don’t talk to each other, but they send signals by producing protective chemicals.


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