Rising from Pixels to Stars: The Potential of 3D Printed Rockets

By Sinem Ünlü

Sinem Ünlü
Insights of Nature
11 min readOct 3, 2023


Imagine a rocket crafted layer by layer, thanks to the marvel of 3D printing technology. This is the future of space exploration, where 3D-printed rockets are set to revolutionize the industry. With various materials and printing methods at our disposal, companies are now able to create rockets that are lightweight yet incredibly robust. It’s like having a toolbox filled with endless possibilities to push the boundaries of space exploration.

Meanwhile, the satellite industry is booming, making up 50% of the commercial space economy with its manufacturing and commercial services. The Wall Street Journal predicts it could double to $697 billion by 2040, leading to intense competition. This competition presents an exciting opportunity for 3D-printed rockets to provide cost-effective and customizable launch solutions, bridging us to a future where space access is more accessible than ever! Now, let’s delve into a comparison with traditional methods and explore how 3D-printed rockets work:

Traditional vs Futuristic: Why should we use 3D Printing in Rockets?

When it comes to rocket fabrication, 3D printers offer a significant advantage over traditional methods by allowing the creation of highly complex shapes with ease. In the realm of space launches, it is crucial to prioritize lightweight structures without compromising strength. Engineers often achieve this by employing intricate designs that are made more accessible through 3D printing technology.

One of the key benefits of 3D printing in rocket fabrication is the ability to reduce the number of separate components that need to be welded together. By utilizing 3D printing, complex structures like fuel injectors, which traditionally consist of numerous individual parts, can be printed as a single, consolidated block. This approach minimizes both the amount of time spent assembling the components and the potential weak points in the overall design.

Moreover, the advantages of 3D printing for rocket parts extend beyond simplifying the manufacturing process. Time and cost savings are significant factors as well. For instance, while traditional methods may require up to nine months to produce a fuel injector, a 3D printer can accomplish the same task in just a couple of weeks. This accelerated production timeline translates into substantial cost reductions.

Another notable advantage of 3D printing in rocket fabrication is the ease of modifying designs. In conventional manufacturing, any modifications to a part such as combustion chambers or propellant tanks would typically entail sending it back to the manufacturer for redesigning, refitting, and reproduction. However, with 3D printing, adjustments can be made efficiently by simply modifying the CAD design and initiating the printing process again. This flexibility enables faster iterations and promotes innovation in rocket design.

Overall, the utilization of 3D printing in rocket fabrication allows the creation of intricate and lightweight structures, reduces the need for complex assembly processes, saves time and money, and enables efficient design modifications!

Relativity Space’s 3D Printer (Credits: Relativity Space)

Which 3D Printing Methods and Materials Are Used Today?

Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Creating Intricate and Durable Parts

Laser Powder Bed Fusion is a cutting-edge technique used in 3D printing. This method involves selectively fusing metal particles by layering a thin coat of powdered metal and utilizing a laser. The process begins with the even spread of a layer of metal powder across a build platform. The laser then scans the surface, melting and solidifying the metal powder in specific areas based on the desired design.

Credits: Dassault Systèmes

-Advantages of Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Laser Powder Bed Fusion offers several advantages that make it highly valuable in industries where intricate designs and high strength-to-weight ratios are crucial.

  • Intricate Designs: The selective melting of powdered metal allows for the creation of complex shapes and structures with exceptional precision. This enables the production of intricate parts that would be difficult or impossible to manufacture using traditional methods.
  • Exceptional Precision: Laser Powder Bed Fusion ensures high accuracy and repeatability, resulting in parts with tight tolerances and minimal post-processing requirements.
  • Durable Parts: The fused metal particles create strong bonds, resulting in parts with excellent structural integrity and mechanical properties.

Directed Energy Deposition: Creating Large-Scale Parts

Directed Energy Deposition (DED) is another advanced technique used in 3D printing. In DED printers, the printing head is equipped with both a laser and a nozzle that blows powdered material. As the head moves across the object being printed, the laser melts small portions of the recently printed metal layer, while the nozzle simultaneously deposits fresh powder into the molten area.

Credits: Dassault Systèmes

-Advantages of Directed Energy Deposition

Directed Energy Deposition offers unique advantages that make it highly suitable for industries that require the production of large components.

  • Large-Scale Printing: DED is known for its ability to create large-scale parts, making it valuable in industries that require the production of components with significant dimensions.
  • Structural Integrity: The layer-by-layer deposition process ensures strong adhesion between the printed layers, resulting in parts with excellent structural integrity.
  • Material Flexibility: DED allows for the use of a wide range of materials, including metals, ceramics, and even composites, expanding its applications in various industries.

Relativity Space’s* Factory of the Future: Unlocking Innovation with Stargate, the World’s Largest Metal 3D Printers

*More information about the company Relativity Space can be found below.

Relativity Space has developed an advanced Factory of the Future that revolves around Stargate, their proprietary technology and the world’s largest metal 3D printers. This innovative approach to additive manufacturing not only enables unique structural designs but also opens up new possibilities in the value chain. By simultaneously developing a scalable technology platform alongside rockets, Relativity Space accelerates its ability to enhance design, production, quality, and speed.

“Meet the Stargate 4th Generation metal 3D printer: The machine powering much of Terran R’s production.”

What is Exciting About Relativity Space’s Approach?

Real-time Quality Control and Inspection

Relativity Space’s Stargate incorporates real-time quality control and inspection capabilities. With Stargate’s advanced technology, every layer of the 3D-printed parts can be closely monitored and inspected during the manufacturing process. This real-time quality control ensures that any defects or issues can be identified and addressed promptly, minimizing production errors and improving overall quality.

Sensor and Analytics-Driven Machine Learning

Another advantage of Relativity Space’s Stargate is the integration of sensor and analytics-driven machine learning. By collecting data from various sensors throughout the manufacturing process, they can gather valuable insights and optimize production parameters. This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement and optimization of the manufacturing process, leading to increased efficiency and quality.

Sensors and Analytics (Credits: Relativity Space)

The Power of Alloys: Which Materials Are Used in 3D Printed Rockets?

To print a rocket that can withstand the forces and heat of space travel, Relativity’s engineers use two metal alloys: proprietary aluminum alloy for the body. On the other hand, a NASA-developed blend of copper, chromium, and niobium for the engines tolerate temperatures up to 40% higher than traditional copper alloys, which leads to higher performance components and reusability.

NASA materials engineers Dave Ellis and Chris Protz inspect the first additive-manufactured GRCop combustion chamber. (Credits: NASA)

Relativity Space: Are they going to beat SpaceX in their own game?

The first company to 3D print rockets and build the largest metal 3D printers in the world. Credits: Relativity Space

Info about Relativity Space

Relativity Space is an innovative startup that is revolutionizing the manufacturing process of rockets. With the use of advanced 3D printers and artificial intelligence, Relativity aims to produce rocket engines and complex parts in just 60 days, a significant reduction compared to the traditional years-long timeline.

Traditionally, rockets are manufactured by assembling different metal parts through shaping, milling, and welding. However, Relativity takes a different approach. Engineers program a robot printer to deposit layers of the company’s proprietary metal alloys, one on top of another. This method allows for the creation of strong and high-quality 3D-printed rockets.

Relativity has its own material science team that develops custom aluminum alloys specifically for their 3D printing process. They utilize a combination of plasma arc discharge and lasers to melt the aluminum wire and collect data as it is fed into the print head at the end of a robot arm. This advanced technology ensures the production of robust and reliable rocket components.

To further optimize their rocket designs, Relativity leverages algorithms and machine learning. These tools allow them to refine each iteration and create designs that are optimized for performance. The use of computer algorithms and physics-based calculations enables Relativity to manufacture parts that are both efficient and structurally sound. The resulting parts often have unique and evolutionary shapes, similar to those found in nature.

Relativity’s innovative approach to rocket manufacturing holds great promise for the future of space exploration. By combining advanced 3D printing technology, artificial intelligence, and material science expertise, they are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the industry. With their streamlined and efficient production process, Relativity aims to make space travel more accessible and cost-effective.

Terran 1 and Terran R: A Success Story

Terran 1, the rocket that took to the skies in March and had 85% of its mass 3D printed, may not have reached orbit due to a second-stage failure, but Terran 1’s success shouldn’t be overlooked. During its launch, it surpassed the critical moment known as “max q,” where rockets experience maximum stress in the Earth’s atmosphere. By proving that a mostly 3D-printed rocket could withstand this intense pressure, Terran 1 demonstrated an important proof of concept. It showcased the potential for more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable rocket manufacturing. In fact, it marked the beginning of a series of historic firsts for the company and set the stage for their next ambitious endeavor: the construction of the larger and reusable Terran R rocket.

Let’s talk about the sheer size of the Terran R. Weighing in at a whopping 23 and a half thousand kilograms, this rocket is capable of carrying several school buses in its payload fairing. Now that’s what I call a massive rocket! But what makes it even more fascinating is the extensive use of 3D printing technology. Each Terran R boasts about six times the amount of 3D printing compared to its predecessor, Terran 1. It’s a testament to the incredible advancements we’ve made in manufacturing.

A fully stacked Terran R rocket beside its reusable first stage. (Credits: Relativity Space)

Ellis, the mastermind behind this ambitious project, has a grand vision for the future. He envisions using 3D printing technology to establish a presence on Mars, much like one of Relativity Space’s competitors. Imagine the possibilities! With the ability to manufacture essential components on-site, we could lay the foundation for future exploration and colonization.

While the road ahead may be challenging, Ellis and his team are determined to push the boundaries of space exploration. They understand that innovation and pushing the limits of technology are key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. With each launch, they inch closer to realizing their long-term goals and inspire a new generation of space enthusiasts.

So, while Terran 1’s journey may not have gone exactly as planned, it was a pivotal moment in Relativity Space’s history. It propelled them forward, fueling their determination to build bigger, better, and more sustainable rockets.

SpaceX vs Relativity Space: Who is better?

Credits: Sinem Ünlü :’)

Cost: The Terran R is priced at approximately $45 million, while the Falcon 9 costs $67 million, making the Terran R a more cost-effective option.

Payload Capacity (LEO): The Terran R has a payload capacity of 33,500 kg, while the Falcon 9 can carry up to 22,800 kg. The Terran R has a higher payload capacity, making it suitable for larger payloads.

Height: The Terran R stands at 82 meters, while the Falcon 9 is 70 meters tall. The taller height of the Terran R may offer certain advantages in terms of accommodating larger payloads.

Propellant: The Terran R uses Methalox (methane and liquid oxygen), while the Falcon 9 uses RP-1 (highly refined kerosene). The choice of propellant can impact performance and efficiency.

Thrust: The Terran R has a thrust of 279,000 lbf, while the Falcon 9 has a thrust of 190,000 lbf. The Terran R has a higher thrust, which can enhance launch capability and overall performance.

Manufacturing Process: The Terran R has an estimated manufacturing time of around 60 days, while information about the Falcon 9’s manufacturing process is not readily available. The Terran R offers a potentially faster manufacturing process.

In conclusion, when comparing Relativity Space’s Terran R and SpaceX’s Falcon 9, it is evident that both rockets have their own unique features and advantages. The Terran R stands out with its lower cost, higher payload capacity, taller height, higher thrust, and potentially faster manufacturing process. These factors make it an appealing option for those in need of efficient and cost-effective space launch services. On the other hand, the Falcon 9 has established itself as a reliable and well-known rocket in the industry, with its own track record of successful launches and capabilities. Ultimately, the choice between the Terran R and Falcon 9 would depend on the specific needs and requirements of the mission at hand. As the space industry continues to evolve, these advancements in rocket technology provide exciting opportunities for future space exploration and commercial applications.

A Striking Partnership

Last year, Impulse Space, a leader in in-space transportation services, made an exciting partnership with Relativity Space, the pioneers of 3D printing rockets. Together, they are set to deliver the first commercial payload to Mars, marking a significant milestone in the quest for a multi-planetary future.

Illustration of the First Commercial Mission to Mars (Credits: Relativity and Impulse Space)

Scheduled for a launch window starting in 2024, this groundbreaking partnership will see Relativity launch Impulse’s Mars Cruise Vehicle and Mars Lander on their innovative Terran R rocket from Cape Canaveral, FL. The Terran R, a reusable rocket that is 3D printed using advanced materials, represents a major leap in space exploration and scientific research capabilities.

With its unique design and impressive payload capacity, the Terran R is set to revolutionize the industry, enabling missions between Earth, the Moon, and Mars. In fact, Relativity has already secured five customers for the Terran R, totaling over $1.2 billion in backlog, including a recent agreement with OneWeb. This collaboration between Impulse Space and Relativity Space not only propels their shared goal of a multi-planetary existence for humanity but also showcases the power of innovation and disruption in the space industry among other competitors.

Final Words

The incredible potential of 3D-printed rockets has set ablaze a spirit of innovation that is revolutionizing the entire space industry. It’s an exhilarating journey brimming with obstacles to overcome, victories to celebrate, and audacious dreams to pursue. This journey propels us ever closer to the awe-inspiring wonders of space. As we cast our gaze towards the future, we envision a time when space exploration knows no bounds, unshackled by the limitations of our earthly confines. Instead, it is fueled by the limitless possibilities that arise from human creativity and the transformative power of 3D printing technology. The stars are beckoning, and we are answering the call.




Sinem Ünlü
Insights of Nature

Tech enthusiast, debater, and a melophile. Casually trying to become the next game-changer 'independent woman in STEM'