What is Creatine?

Creatine is a popular supplement for bodybuilders; but when is the best time to take creatine for fantastic performance?

Barbod zolanvari
Insights of Nature
12 min readJan 19, 2024


If you work in bodybuilding, or plan to do bodybuilding exercises, you must have heard about creatine supplements for building muscle and shaping the body. This supplement has a great effect on body beauty and muscle building.

In this article about vitamin, we discussed in detail the creatine supplement and the best time to use creatine for bodybuilding and how to use it, its benefits, side effects and all related issues. If you want to know more about this miraculous supplement, join us.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a useful substance in the body. The body naturally produces two percent of keratin substances; But using more creatine is needed to increase muscle volume and build muscle. The task of creatine is to produce energy for the cells and muscle tissue of the body during heavy and hard exercises.

Chemically, creatine is very similar to amino acids and is released from arginine and glycine. Today, this substance is produced as an oral supplement for bodybuilders in order to build muscle and increase energy. In the following, we will provide you with information about the effects of creatine in the body.

Creatine supplement

Introduction of creatine monohydrate

This type of creatine is one of the best, safest and cheapest types of creatine. This type of creatine has been the focus of bodybuilders for years and is still popular among them.

How to Use Creatine Monohydrate

At first, start taking bodybuilding creatine with 20 grams daily. Continue the same amount for a week. For better absorption, take creatine with a protein or carbohydrate meal; Because with the release of insulin, the amount of creatine absorption increases.

This one-week phase is called the creatine loading period, which rapidly increases your muscle stores. After the bulking period, consume 3–5 grams per day to maintain high levels of creatine in your muscles.

If you prefer not to do the bulking phase, you can easily consume 3 to 5 grams per day; But in this case, it will take about a month to see the results.

Important note: Creatine supplement causes water retention. We recommend that you consume it with a glass of water so that your body does not get dehydrated during the day

The best time to take creatine supplements

A lot of research has been done on this topic, but the results show that consuming creatine at any time can be useful and effective, and the best time to consume creatine for bodybuilding is not completely clear.

It is probably most beneficial to take creatine close to the time you exercise; Because it has an immediate effect. Mix powdered creatine monohydrate with water for quick pre-workout digestion. Therefore, the best time to take bodybuilding creatine is when it is compatible with your lifestyle.

Taking creatine before training

Normally, the level of muscle creatine is low. Therefore, it is useful to take bodybuilding creatine before training; Because it can increase muscle reserves. The best way to maximize these stores (if you are supplementing for the first time) is to take creatine (about 5 grams or 0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight) 4 times a day for 5–7 days.

After some time has passed since taking bodybuilding creatine, you can increase your dosage. A daily dose of 3–10 grams (based on body weight) is enough to maintain the desired level.

Vegetarians, vegans, or people with very large body mass will need higher doses of creatine to maximize their muscle creatine stores before training.

Creatine consumption after training

As we said, dietary creatine is not enough for most athletes and professional bodybuilders. For this reason, it can be said that the best time to consume creatine is after bodybuilding. This will help the recovery of the muscles and help you to keep the muscle reserves optimally and prepare for the next workout.

Additionally, creatine can help increase your muscle glycogen stores after a workout, especially when taken with carbohydrates. Glycogen is stored energy for the muscles for future use, helping the athlete perform and delaying fatigue.

Also, creatine supplementation reduces inflammation and can lead to healing of injuries. Additionally, creatine increases intracellular fluid, which can make muscles appear fuller.

If you want to take your creatine after a workout, it’s best to take it with a combination of carbohydrate or protein sources to maximize muscle retention. Creatine is an excellent supplement for this purpose.

Creatine before training

Taking creatine supplements on non-training and rest days

Taking creatine supplements on rest days is less important and effective than training days; But the purpose of taking bodybuilding creatine on rest days is to keep your muscles’ creatine reserves high. If you are taking creatine on your rest day, we recommend taking it with food.

Benefits of creatine in bodybuilding

In addition to the various effects that creatine has on muscle building. It also has effects on the brain and control of underlying diseases. The benefits of creatine in bodybuilding include muscle growth, increasing body strength and performance, improving muscle performance, etc., which we will explain in detail below.

  1. Body muscle growth
  2. Creatine has a positive effect on the muscles of different people. People of different ages and conditions can use it.

The effect of creatine on elderly people: In a 14-week study on elderly people, it was found that if they take some creatine supplements during light training, their strength and muscle mass will increase significantly.

The effect of creatine on athletes: during a 12-week test on bodybuilders and weightlifters, it was found that creatine alone increases muscle fiber growth by 2–3 times. For this reason, this supplement is one of the most popular supplements for all people of different ages with any muscle mass.

Creatine for muscle growth

2. Muscle strength and function

If you are looking for a supplement to increase your strength and performance, creatine is the right choice. Creatine can increase the strength of your muscles during bodybuilding due to its ingredients. If you use bodybuilding creatine supplement along with your strength training, the energy of your body and muscles will definitely increase by 43%.

Also, if you use intense exercises during exercise. Creatine also provides the energy needed for better body performance. When you use creatine supplement and during training, your body’s natural energy is lost; Now creatine comes into action and tries to provide ATP. For this reason, the volume of muscles increases and you can train for a longer time.

3. The effect of creatine on the brain

In addition to its effects on muscle building, creatine is also effective in other parts of the body. The brain is one of these parts. The brain stores phosphocreatine and needs a lot of ATP to function optimally.

Creatine improves this condition in the body and gives its phosphate to brain cells. Taking creatine in the brain improves a variety of things, including:




Huntington’s disease;

motor neuron disease;

ischemic stroke;

brain or spinal cord injuries;

Memory and brain function in older adults.

Other benefits of creatine

Research also shows other benefits for creatine:

fight against high blood sugar;

Improving muscle function and quality of life in the elderly;

Helping to treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The effect of bodybuilding creatine in bodybuilding

Creatine affects health and athletic performance in several ways and benefits bodybuilders and athletes in many ways. Below we will discuss how creatine works.

Making ATP

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the main source of energy for strength and high intensity sports. This supplement increases phosphocreatine reserves in muscles during high intensity sports.

Extra amounts of creatine are used to make ATP and increase the body’s overall energy. Creatine supplements also increase your brain’s stores of phosphocreatine, which improves brain health and prevents neurological diseases.

Increase training capacity

When your body’s capacity for training is greater. You can train longer and harder. This is a major factor for long-term muscle growth.

Better cell stimulation

Creatine supplementation is able to enhance cell stimulation and signaling that helps muscle growth and repair.

Increase in anabolic hormones

Studies by researchers indicate that hormones such as IGF-1 increase after consuming creatine.

More cellular hydration

Creatine is known to cause water retention in cells. This same water retention may be effective in muscle growth.

Less protein breakdown

Creatine can increase muscle mass by reducing muscle breakdown.

Creatine supplement side effects

So far, no side effects have been observed for the use of creatine. The only side effects of creatine supplementation are dehydration and muscle cramps. which can be solved by drinking more water. Even with 4 years of creatine consumption, there were no signs of side effects.

Tests were conducted on 52 people who took creatine over a period of 21 months, but scientists did not observe any side effects. Also, there is no evidence that creatine damages the liver and kidneys in healthy people; But for more certainty, we recommend that people with liver or kidney problems consult a doctor before taking the supplement.

Types of creatine How many types of creatine are there?

There are different types of creatine and when buying, you are faced with various options; Now we take a look at the most common types of creatine and introduce them.

  1. Creatine monohydrate
  2. The most common type of creatine on the market is creatine monohydrate. Most of the studies and research about creatine have been done on this type; Therefore, most of the effects and benefits listed for creatine are the effects of creatine monohydrate.

Creatine monohydrate consists of creatine molecules and water molecules; But different methods are used to make it. If the water molecule is removed, creatine is anhydrous. Removing water increases the amount of creatine in the product dosage. Anhydrous creatine contains 100% creatine, while classic creatine monohydrate contains almost 90% pure creatine. At the same time, the amount of creatine in the product affects its cost.

Other forms of creatine monohydrate include micronized creatine or mechanically processed creatine with better water solubility. Theoretically, it is possible that the better solubility of the product leads to faster absorption of the substance in the body, but this has not been sufficiently confirmed.

Despite these minor processing differences, either form of creatine monohydrate is likely to be effective at the same dosage. Currently, 5 to 10 grams of creatine monohydrate per day can lead to increased performance, muscle endurance, and muscle size.

2. Micronized creatine

Micronized creatine is creatine monohydrate that has been broken down into smaller pieces (micronized). This helps creatine to dissolve more easily and quickly in water. Shrinking and crushing of creatine molecules makes them better absorbed by the body and reduces the possibility of digestive problems and bloating. In general, in terms of results and effects, it is not particularly different from creatine monohydrate.

3. Creatine Hydrochloride

Creatine hydrochloride (HCl) dissolves well in water, which is why many people prefer this type. One study confirmed that creatine hydrochloride is 38 times more soluble than creatine monohydrate. It is also believed that creatine HCl can be absorbed more efficiently in the body. This is why most nutritional supplements containing this type of creatine have less than 1 gram of active ingredient per dose. This amount is significantly less compared to creatine monohydrate (which is usually prescribed in 5 gram doses).

Unfortunately, there is still not much research on this type of creatine and examining the difference in the effects of creatine HCl and creatine monohydrate. However, this does not mean that creatine HCl is not effective. On the contrary, it is suitable for people who experience stomach problems when using creatine monohydrate. Such side effects are much less in creatine hydrochloride.

4. Creatine monohydrate buffer

Kre-Alkalyn or buffered creatine monohydrate is a form of creatine that contains a small (chemical) base powder, for example, bicarbonate. The manufacturers claim that the addition of this buffer creates an essential compound that can reduce the breakdown of creatine in the stomach and improve its absorption into the muscles. Buffered creatine is sold alone or in combination with many pre-workout stimulants.

Creatine supplement

5. Creatine ethyl ester

Creatine ethyl ester is enriched with organic component – ester. Some manufacturers claim that it is better absorbed than regular creatine monohydrate; Because it dissolves more easily in fat. This type is not our favorite, and research does not agree on its effectiveness results.

A study showed that 7 weeks of creatine ethyl ester consumption led to a decrease in creatine in the muscles and a decrease in blood, compared to creatine monohydrate. In addition, its use may lead to higher concentrations of the byproduct creatinine in plasma. Normally, creatinine is eliminated from the body as a waste product, but it is not easy for the kidneys to remove it. Therefore, the use of creatine ethyl ester is not recommended.

6. Creatine Citrate

This type of creatine is created by combining creatine with organic citric acid. (Citric acid is found in citrus fruits and is often used as a natural flavoring in food supplements.) A 2007 study by the International Association of Sports Nutrition found no significant difference in the absorption of creatine citrate compared to creatine monohydrate. However, creatine citrate is more soluble in water, but that doesn’t mean it’s more efficiently absorbed by the human body; Especially since it is more expensive and may not be worth the higher price.

7. Creatine Malate

Creatine malate is bound to malic acid, another organic acid commonly found in fruits. Malic acid alone can improve endurance. This is why manufacturers combine it with creatine.

Several studies have shown that creatine malate improves anaerobic production in judo runners and fighters. However, no valid research has been conducted to compare creatine malate with monohydrate and placebo. Like creatine citrate, creatine malate dissolves more easily in water.

8. Creatine nitrate

Creatine nitrate is one of the newer forms of creatine. Manufacturers claim that by binding one molecule of creatine to one molecule of nitrate, athletes need a lower dose of it than creatine monohydrate. Let’s take a look at the studies.

Research conducted in 2016 pointed to the effect of creatine nitrate on performance improvement. However, the results did not confirm any significant difference between groups of subjects receiving creatine nitrate and creatine monohydrate.

9. Creatine Gluconate

It is a creatine surrounded by a glucose molecule. There is a theory that creatine gluconate is absorbed more effectively due to its combination with carbohydrate-enriched insulin. However, no study has yet been published to confirm this theory.

10. Creatine pyruvate

Creatine pyruvate is produced from the binding of pyruvic acid and is a very interesting combination of individual forms of creatine. However, studies on its effectiveness are rather mixed. One study found that it had a better effect on endurance than creatine citrate (which we consider an effective form of creatine), but another study found that it did not improve endurance at all.

Some studies have also shown that compared to creatine monohydrate, creatine pyruvate leads to higher levels of creatine in the blood. This can mean a decrease in creatine in the muscles, which is ultimately ineffective. Therefore, this study concluded that creatine pyruvate is unlikely to have an advantage over creatine monohydrate.

11. Creatine alpha-ketoglutarate

Also known as AKG creatine, it is produced from alpha-ketoglutaric acid and creatine. Alpha-ketoglutarate, as a precursor to glutamine, is theorized to be better absorbed in the gut. It also works to prevent stomach problems and diarrhea that plague some athletes when taking creatine. Additionally, users of AKG creatine claim that it is absorbed more efficiently and results in a higher concentration of creatine in the muscles than monohydrate. However, there is currently insufficient evidence from relevant studies to support these theories.

Key points of creatine consumption

If you use creatine or plan to use it, it is better to know the following points:

The treatment of neurological diseases using creatine has only been possible for animals so far.

Creatine is useful for the elderly, vegetarians and people at risk of neurological diseases.

Vegetarians do not eat meat. For this reason, they have little keratin reserves. Creatine consumption is useful for all people.

By studying vegetarians, it was found that creatine supplementation led to a 50% improvement in memory test and a 20% improvement in their intelligence test score.

Creatine reduces fatigue by 70% and dizziness by 50% in children with brain injuries.

Although creatine is beneficial for older adults and vegetarians, it has no effect on brain function in healthy adults.

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) separates waste products from the blood by creating scar tissue in part of the kidney. Creatine supplements are prohibited for these people.

Daily consumption of 5 to 10 grams of creatine supplement per day will not cause any problems for different people.


Creatine supplements are a popular ingredient among regular people and professional athletes. In this article, we talked about the best time to use creatine and everything about creatine supplements, benefits, performance, and how to use it.

If you have any questions about taking creatine supplements, you can write in the comments section or ask vitamin experts over the phone. This supplement has many fans due to its many benefits and the fact that it has not caused any special complications for people. On the other hand, this supplement can be suitable for all people of different ages.

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