Life Teaching Us Life

Unexpected happenings

Esoteric Emma
Insights That InSpire
3 min readSep 14, 2013


It’s funny how life opens your eyes through long lost friends, by putting them back in your life to inspire you. Thank you Universe, for giving me insight to where I belong, and where I am going. Right NOW. Every moment is a gift, every experience is to be savored and learned from.

I have felt lost for some time now. Willing to wait, however long it may be for an answer to where I belong. What I am here for? I have never felt like I belonged in this world. Not that I am unhappy with life, just disappointed with people.

Our fellow humans aren’t always easy to understand. Sometimes we feel like we are close to people and we give all of ourselves to them, only to find out later, they used us, abused us, sucked all our creative energy from us and kicked us to the curb, only to take all the credit for our hard work. This always hurts, and leaves us jaded; and if you are like me, living like a hermit for a while.

Recently I stopped searching. I threw my hands up in the air in surrender to the universe, asking for an answer to where, what, and how I belong in this world. I began listening to my inner voice through meditation, reading, and just getting quiet for long periods of time.

Some things came to me, others showed up in strange ways I never thought would ever resurface. One of these unexpected happenings was an old friend I met a few years back. I knew we would always be friends, but I never knew how much he would inspire me with his words. I began to read his work here. I related to his words of abuse, family dysfunction, love, recovery and self discovery. His talents are unbounded. He’s prolific in every sense of the word. He knows how to laugh at himself, makes others laugh, survive, and most of all, he just never gives up on life.

I reached out to him and got his phone number. We chatted this morning, for a long time. I realized how much he knew about me and himself already. He has true and pure psychic abilities. Our talk really encouraged me once again to see what I needed to do. After years of turning things off, I felt like I was once again understood, and could relate to my inner voice again. The little voice that tells you things you should and shouldn’t ignore. The one you should listen to at all times. The one that tells me people are good; or bad. It’s also wonderful to reconnect with like minded people. People who have had similar experiences and pulled through them. People that shine even though they have been kicked around. People who know where they are going, and are sure of themselves and their path. Especially those people who are on the same path. The path of the here and NOW. The path of pure LOVE.

Thank goodness for unexpected happenings.

