What? I’m a Total Empath, and an Intuitive?

My interesting path to self discovery.

Esoteric Emma
Insights That InSpire
3 min readOct 2, 2013


I always knew I was different. I felt so much pain from the time I was a young girl. Not so much physical pain, but a deep emotional pain that makes you feel sick all over. I sometimes panicked in crowds and felt as though I was overwhelmed and closed in. I have always been labeled as “too emotional” or overly sensitive. I can’t watch violence or hear about it at all. I feel sad and become engulfed in others problems, when those close to me feel sad, or, are going through life issues. I get my feelings hurt easily. I become nervous and distraught by excessive talking, noise or drama around me. Sometimes, if I am around people for any length of time, I take on whatever personality traits they may have. This, can be a curse. Especially when you don’t realize what is happening to you.

You see, I have always been a total empath, intuitive, psychic, and strange, (as others would say). I have also always been very intuitive of my surroundings, people, and places I visit. I have walked into homes, businesses, and other places and felt both overwhelming good, or overwhelmingly bad vibrations. Sometimes I want to leave immediately, because I pick up on something I cannot handle to be in the presence of. I never knew exactly what this was all about. I have touched people and felt their sickness, which is super frightening. I never cared to hone these gifts until recently. I ran from them. I feared them, because I didn’t understand what to do with them.

An old freind I had lost touch with recently came back into my life. He is extremely psychic and intuitive as well. He told me things, and spoke with me about myself. He told me things about myself that he could not have known. This, being the one thing I could no longer deny about myself. I started to read things all day, that brought me to realize, my abilities are undeniable.

One of the first articles I read made me angry with myself for waiting so long to delve into them. Why have I ignored this gift for so long? Because, I was in denial, I was fearful of how to go about using it for mine and others benefit. I have never felt as though I could do anything with all these strange gifts I have.

I discovered that these gifts, especially the empathic gift, can make me sick as well. Not shielding yourself from negativity and darkness takes a toll on an empath. Something I discovered very recently when I realized I was being stabbed in the back/chest by someone that lives close to me. Because I left my shield down, it was a literal attack on me, both emotionally, and yes — physically.

I am a very happy person when I stay alone for long periods of time. I have to carefully shield myself when I go out now by meditating daily, reading positive things, and listening to positive music.

I am learning why I have these gifts, and what it means for not only myself, but those in my life. I am gaining like minded friends without asking. They have just sprung into my life recently.

Do I know everything about this? Not at all. I am just learning. I do know how to live happy, and how to bring happiness to others without material gifts. I was recently called a “Blissworker” by two of my friends. I’m not completely sure what this means yet, but I have an idea. I plan to use this gift wisely. It may take time, but I’m in.

I will probably lose some people in my life for coming out with this, and that’s alright. They shouldn’t be part of my life anyway. I still l love them. I love everyone. There is only so much you can say or do about this. Not everyone believes in spiritual things. Not everyone believes in the paranormal. All I can do is give back with these gifts I have. And…I plan to do so, with all my heart.

For those of you who can go along, let’s find your bliss.

