Meditation in Casey Station, Antarctica…

One of the joys of watching Insight Timer grow is discovering people meditating in far off distant lands.

Insight Timer
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2019


A few days ago we noticed a small green dot in Antarctica. So we decided to find out more. Here is the response we received from Johannes Ruyssenaers — a very warm hearted meditator in a very cold spot.

Hi Christopher

I work for Geoscience Australia, a federal government agency involved in Tsunami, Earthquake and Nuclear monitoring for the region. I’m in Antarctica for the summer with the UN to complete a new nuclear monitoring station.

To get to Antarctica we go through full medical screening. After clearance it’s then 10 days via ship from Hobart. We live on an Australian base which looks like a mining camp but has everything we need. And the food is excellent.

Antarctica is a beautiful place but it’s a harsh environment… really challenging mentally and physically. There are lots of days when I just want to go home. The meditations keep me grounded.

Thank you for Insight Timer. It’s one of my favourite apps.


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