INSPECS … Built for you. Customized by you: Initial Set-up

Steve Larson
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2020

Every story has a beginning and for you and your inspection program, this may be yours. The Inspecs platform is so simple, that it will eliminate your paper based inspections and house all locations, assets and inspections on a secure, cloud based server. It is perhaps the most powerful, versatile, secure, and economical mobile / web based inspection software available today.

No matter what industry you are in, this platform is one that is entirely customized by you. It is perfect for playgrounds, parks, properties, food service, housing, schools, cannabis and any other industry where paper based inspections have been prevalent.

Creating an Account

For this article, we are going to assume that you already have a registered account and are using this as a set-up guide. If that isn’t the case, don’t worry. Simply visit and complete the simple registration. Once registered, then the rest of this will make sense.

The Set-Up

This is the first step, and (as with all things) the foundation and the order of construction is important in maximizing the potential of this for your organization. Now that you are registered with an account, you will want to create your User Hierarchy. A basic account with one user comes with an Administrative account also. The Administrative account has all of the same visibility as the main user, but cannot create inspections. This is where you will set up your main user, any sub users and administrative user based on the number of users you registered licenses for. From the main dashboard, you manage everything through the Setup page.

Once you click on the set up page, the box will expand and show you the controlling sub folders. Click on Users to Add and delete users creating your User Hierarchy.

Once you click on the Add New button, it’s as simple as this. If the user is an Administrative user though, be sure to click that box so it doesn’t take up one of your registered licenses.

Once you have created your User Hierarchy, it is time to move on to the next order of set-up … your Locations. We will continue that next phase of set-up in another article and continue to move you through building this successful platform.

Built for you … Customized by you

It is our goal to constantly evolve and to continue to be trusted as the most secure, powerful, intuitive, and functionally relevant inspection and asset management software on the market.

We know that everyone operates differently in a variety of industries, has unique needs and a wide range of skill-sets. We are not trying to be everything to everyone and know that a one size fits all approach is not the best one. This is why we have created a powerful platform that is completely customizable for your needs.



Steve Larson
Writer for

Sales, Entrepreneur, Certified Playground Safety Inspector & Software Designer focusing on offering user friendly cloud based solutions