INSPEM for save people’s lives

Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2018

To save people’s lives The rescue services and the fellow citizens who help a sick bystander could use our technology. Here’s an example: a person on the street with a heart failure requires urgent assistance. Bystanders show certain gestures to the nearest surveillance camera, in a few minutes a drone that carries a diffibrilator/medkit/oxygen mask/etc appears. As a first prototype solution we consider collaboration with Ambulance Drone by TuDelft.

We are capable of developing solutions, which would not only swiftly find the missing person, but also swiftly react to the events, that would be defined in our artificial intelligence algorithm as the emergencies, which require the swift intervention, such as:

* the person has drawn out a weapon on the street — the signal to the policeman is sent;

* the sick bystander requires an urgent assistance — other bystanders can summon a defibrillator carrying drone with special gestures.

About Ambulance Drone

For the Ambulance Drone, a new type of frame was developed that is a compact flying toolbox containing essential supplies for (lay-person) advanced life support. Portability and foldability help the drone to be used anywhere, also indoors. The first prototype focuses on the delivery of an Automated Defibrillator (AED). In the European Union around 800.000 people per year suffer from a cardiac arrest, an upsetting number considering that only 8% survives this incident. The main reason for this high number of casualties is the relatively slow response time of emergency services (10 minutes). Brain death and permanent death start to occur in just 4 to 6 minutes.

With the Ambulance Drone we want dramatically increase this survival rate. The incorporation of a two-way, video supported, communication channel in the drone between 112 operators and the first responders will improve first care. Successful AED usage by lay-persons is currently at 20%. With personalised instructions and communication on the Ambulance Drone, this can be increased to 90%. In short, the Ambulance Drone helps to save lives by extending existing emergency infrastructure with a network of fast and compact UAVs capable of bringing emergency supplies and establishing communication, anywhere.

