G. Orah Adarah Paris
Inspiration and Collaboration
2 min readJun 28, 2017


Inspired? and my first business

Fairy I designed, fist webdesign work!

Playing with food and then trying to make a business out of it. This was my very first business. Reading books, getting exited and wanting to talk to the authors but I was too nervous. Who cares about this product? “Giulia, do you want to go dancing” asked a friend and another one asked “do you want to go get some tea?” I said no many times and because I was busy studying and creating.

None of my family remembers liked the product much, “ too weird” they said. “ Wow it is so tasty” said my mom but she left it to that. My friends did like it. We go together and sold a lot of Giulia Treeats, with the few friends I had left. I do not think I really lost anyone, I just could not relate to them at that time. I was not very confident about my product. Maybe because I was more interested in the study then the actual business. Maybe it was because none of my friends really inspired me. The authors fascinated me but they did not feel similar to me.

I made a few deals and then moved on to the next project. I didn’t have the passion inside me to break through my fears! Find something you really like to play with and for long enough to make it happen :)

