You Need To Be Strong And of Good Courage

Daniel Sugmen Atule
Inspiration Box
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2017

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

When Joshua took charge after the death of Moses, it was certainly a difficult moment for him. Especially, since he was more like a student to Moses and had walked closely with him, working to lead the Israelite to the promised land. It is therefore not surprising to read that God encouraged Joshua to be strong. And it was not just once, but three times in Joshua chapter 1. Another interesting thing is that, even the assembly encouraged him to be strong. These, in a way gives a picture of the circumstance Joshua found himself in at the time. He was in a sober mood, probably grieving over the death of Moses and contemplating on the huge task ahead of him.

Whenever we get the opportunity to move up higher, we are often confronted by uncertainty and fear. In most cases it is the fear of failure. In the business environment, it becomes even more alarming when you are stepping into the shoes of your predecessor who did marvelously in that position. Another twist to it, is that, you can get overwhelmed by the new challenge facing you. It is at these moments that we are in dire need of the encouragement to propel us face the new challenges with courage and bravery. If we get the right people backing us, it will be obvious we will overcome every fear that comes. What is more heart-warming is when you get the assurance that the Almighty God is on your side and ready to lead you on. This was the joy that may have filled Joshua and gave him courage to lead the Israelite to the promised land.

Faith working with Courage

So, like Joshua, we may be confused and uncertain about what to do when we are taking up new challenges. Joshua learned from Moses and knew how he was able to bring the Israelite that far in their journey to the promised land. He also knew God was behind the success Moses gained leading the people. He was a man, noted with courage and boldness, as recorded in Numbers 13. When 12 people were sent to spy on the land God had promised to give them, while a section of the group thought it was impossible to take the land, Joshua and Caleb showed courage and faith in the God who promised them the land and believed they can take the land.

To you, it might look like Joshua never needed the encouragement if he was already known to be courageous. But, the lesson here is that, no matter who you are, you will definitely be afraid in a particular moment in your life. There will be that moment in your life where you will be confused and uncertain about the step you should take. And when that time should come, you should remember that God commands you to be strong and of good courage. Believe and trust in God and his ability to lead you victoriously in that journey, task or battle you face today.



Daniel Sugmen Atule
Inspiration Box

When the Lord said "I am with you to the end of the age" he meant it and trust Him. He's fixing me everyday.