A moment’s silence


Kim Forrester
2 min readNov 15, 2017


It’s time to post again. It’s time to get my voice out into the world, and shout into the cacophony of the Medium community. See me! Look at me! Come marvel at my insights; behold the value I add to your life.

My God, we live in a noisy world. From the time we wake up, our senses are assaulted by headlines, online connections, advertisements, merchants, marketers, buskers, celebrities, bosses, children, partners, friends …

Everyone wanting you to notice them. Everyone clambering just to be acknowledged. Everyone shouting above one another wanting to be heard.

So, today, I will not add my voice to the cacophony. Today, I will offer you what we, as modern, urban humans need more than anything …


No, truly. Stop.

Just for a few, fleeting moments.

Right now.



Tune into your senses. Wherever you are, be here. Now.



Let the thoughts flow without resistance. It’s ok. You don’t need them for a few moments.



Still your mind. Slow. Your. Breathing.




Inhale. Exhale. What an incredible creation you are.




Be. Still.











Kim Forrester

Holistic wellbeing advocate, mother, nature lover and kindness enthusiast. Blends science with spirituality to inspire fullness of living. www.kimforrester.net