Celebrating the “er”s

Are you acknowledging the incremental achievements of your life?

Kim Forrester
2 min readMay 7, 2023


Image: Miqeul Parera | Unsplash

Instead of only celebrating big achievements or end goals, what if you started celebrating the incremental improvements in your life?

In this results-obsessed world, it’s easy to be goal-oriented, and to feel a sense of achievement only when you reach the fullness of whatever it is you are striving for. However, this mindset can often leave us feeling unfulfilled, as though we haven’t accomplished anything until we’ve reached that one specific end goal.

The truth is, life is a marathon, not a sprint. And by focusing solely on the end result, we can deny ourselves days, months — even years — of contentment.

So, instead of waiting for that final goal to be achieved, I invite you to start celebrating the small wins along the way. More specifically, take a moment to acknowledge where your life is “er”.

When we focus on these small wins, we can begin to feel a sense of accomplishment every day.

Are you happier than you were yesterday, last week, last month? Are things better than they were before? Are you making progress towards your goal, no matter how small? Maybe you’re being bolder, kinder, or more self-aware? All of these are incremental improvements that should be acknowledged and celebrated!

When we focus on these small wins, we can begin to feel a sense of accomplishment every day, rather than just when we reach that one final goal. And as a result, we can feel more content and fulfilled in our lives.

Not only that but celebrating these small wins can actually help us to achieve our larger goals in the long run. When we feel good about ourselves and our progress, we’re more likely to keep pushing forward and making progress.

So, why not make a change today. Instead of waiting for that final goal to be achieved before celebrating, I encourage you to start celebrating the small wins along the way. Maybe it’s about being more organised or on time than you used to be. Maybe it’s making progress towards a bigger goal, or simply being kinder to yourself and others. Are you feeling slightly healthier, or more courageous in intimidating or unfamiliar situations?

Whatever it is, take a moment to acknowledge it and congratulate yourself. After all, we are all worthy of praise as we take steps to become greater versions of ourselves, and we all deserve to feel more fulfilled in our lives.

Kim Forrester is a mother, nature lover, global traveller, holistic well-being advocate, and kindness enthusiast. As an award-winning author, educator and consultant, Kim combines cutting-edge science with spiritual philosophy to inspire holistic well-being and fullness of living.

Join Kim on Instagram for daily, soul-filled well-being tips and advice.



Kim Forrester

Holistic wellbeing advocate, mother, nature lover and kindness enthusiast. Blends science with spirituality to inspire fullness of living. www.kimforrester.net