
Resistance is futile

Kim Forrester
4 min readJun 11, 2017


My husband needs a new chiropractor.

A few months ago, we moved across town and the twice-weekly walk to the chiropractic clinic “just around the corner” became a half hour drive in busy traffic. Of course, that little inconvenience didn’t compel my husband to change, because his favorite practitioner was based there.

Two months ago, hubby’s favorite practitioner left the center. However, he still didn’t want to change because the new guy is “ok” and he didn’t want to let down the delightful receptionist. Last week, the delightful receptionist resigned. My husband went anyway.

Yesterday, my husband received a letter advising that clinic hours have changed completely and his favored appointment time is no longer available. Of course, he is there, at the clinic, as I write this article.

My husband needs a new chiropractor clinic, but something in him is resisting the change that is obviously and inevitably bearing down on him.

The phrase “change is inevitable” is used so often, it can almost seem cliché. But as superficial as this term may seem, there is a resounding truth in these well-worn words. Does your life now resemble your life at age 5? Are you the same, with the same beliefs, behaviors and desires, as you were as a preschooler? Of course not, because change is the very foundation of life.

Sometimes change comes upon us swiftly and resolutely — we are thrown into a whirlwind of adjustment and discomfort, as the fabric of our life unravels. We are forced to cope; forced to endure and move forward. Change like this is disruptive but, in many ways, it is the most effective. Because change like this cannot be ignored nor resisted.

At other times, change is so stealthy that it allows us the opportunity to pretend otherwise; to ignore the signs or resist the inevitable pull of progress. This is the steady march of social change, or the subtle adjustment of life circumstances and people around us. This is the slowly transforming structure of my husband’s favored chiropractic clinic.

This is often the most dangerous form of change, because it enables us to be stubborn, fearful or simply distracted and to ignore the fundamental truth about who and what we are. Slow change can lull us into thinking that change is actually an option.

The Nature of Change

We are nature, and our very existence is the product of billions of years of change, adaptation and progress. Therefore, as a part of natural universe, our single most inherent purpose is to experience, experiment and evolve.

To change.

The universe, itself, is expanding, and our ability to understand, express and innovate is expanding along with it. Everything from our tools to our language, from our scientific understanding to our interpretations of faith and spirituality, will continue to move on. Because each of these things arises from within us, as humans, and are an expression of the naturally evolving universe.

For this reason, resisting change is the most unnatural and unfulfilling behavior we can ever adopt. Of course, you may try to hold on to the past (or even the present) state of being, but it is only going to cause tension and resistance in your life. Life, and the world, will march on anyway — because nature knows no other way.

My husband needs a new chiropractor, and it is almost inevitable that in your life, too, there is a subtle yet steady change unfolding — in your beliefs, your desires, your relationships, your living circumstances or your community.

Your life — your world — is designed to evolve, and so are you. So remain mindful when the winds of change blow. Be courageous enough to acknowledge when things stop being like they ‘used to’. And try not to resist where the breeze takes you.

Just remember that you are evolution in action and that change — trial, error, adaptation and experience — is the only gateway to a greater version of you.

Kim Forrester is an award-winning author, educator and intuitive consultant with over 15 years’ experience as a professional intuitive and spiritual teacher. She combines cutting edge science with traditional spirituality to offer the latest understandings of psi, consciousness and holistic well being.



Kim Forrester

Holistic wellbeing advocate, mother, nature lover and kindness enthusiast. Blends science with spirituality to inspire fullness of living.