How well do you celebrate your achievements?

7 questions to help you recognise just how far you’ve come

Kim Forrester
3 min readJun 16, 2021


Happy 50th Birthday to me!

My life first flickered into existence on the fertile alluvial plains of the Waikato valley, New Zealand. This month I am turning 50, and I am incredibly excited about celebrating this milestone birthday half a world away from my birthplace in bustling, tropical Singapore.

Of all the benefits I feel this time of life affords me, I am most grateful for my ability to better know myself — my strengths, my fallibilities, my needs, my joys, and my most authentic traits. One of the most interesting things I have learned about myself is that I rarely stop to reflect on and celebrate my accomplishments. I thrive on creativity, progress, and challenge and so, when I have achieved something (big or small), my eyes are almost immediately turning toward the future.

“Alright, that’s done. What’s next?”

And I don’t think I’m alone. In a modern world that worships progress and productivity, and compels us into near-constant action it strikes me that very few of us take the time to fully reflect on our successes, gains, achievements, and ‘up-levels’. I’m not just talking about achieving in the obvious ways … but also in the quiet, intimate ways that make us exquisitely human.

So, as I commemorate my 50th revolution around our life-giving Sun, I ask you to join me in celebrating you and all that you have learned, achieved, grown into, and accomplished in your lifetime.

Some questions that may help you include:

What skills have I gained that I now take for granted?

What goals and dreams have I accomplished?

How many lives have I lifted through quiet acts of kindness, forgiveness, or compassion?

In what ways have I grown into a greater version of myself?

What am I most proud of in the past year? 5 years? 10 years?

How many moments have I wanted to give up or give in, and carried on regardless?

How many times have I found the courage to change careers? Change relationships? Change my mind?

This month, I am overjoyed to be turning 50 and, in honour of this milestone, I will be gifting myself more moments of mindful celebration. I ask you to join me. Take some time. Turn inward. Reflect on your skills, gifts, contributions, and innate strengths. And, together, we can rejoice in the innumerable daily accomplishments that make up a life well lived.

It’s my birthday and you get the gift!

Did you know I offer private consultations? In these private sessions, I combine intuitive insights, positive psychology practices, and good ol’ fashioned loving advice to offer you clarity, compassion, and support.

To celebrate my 50th birthday, I am offering 45-minute online consultations for just US$50 to the first 50 people who book. More details at Special Offers.

Kim Forrester is a mother, nature lover, global traveller, holistic well-being advocate and kindness enthusiast. As an award-winning author, educator and consultant, she combines cutting edge science with spiritual philosophy to inspire holistic well-being and fullness of living. Check out Kim’s podcast, Eudaemonia, to learn more about how to flourish in life.



Kim Forrester

Holistic wellbeing advocate, mother, nature lover and kindness enthusiast. Blends science with spirituality to inspire fullness of living.