NY Resolutions: Don’t DO Anything

Make a real impact by BEING something new in 2018

Kim Forrester
5 min readDec 27, 2017


We live in a society obsessed with ‘doing’ and, unsurprisingly, this focus extends to how we make our New Year’s Resolutions. According to Nielsen, the vast majority of people resolve to improve their lives by doing something different — getting fit, losing weight, spending more time with loved ones, saving more money …

However, my experience has shown me that the greatest impact we have on our own lives, and on the world, doesn’t stem from what we do but, rather, from who we choose to be.

So, instead of focusing on something you want to do differently throughout 2018, below are a few simple yet powerful things you can choose to be in the coming months. I believe that, if more of us resolved to be one (or more) of the following, we would not only positively impact our own lives, but also set an inspiring example for our broader community.

In that spirit, this New Year I invite you to resolve to BE:


A recent survey revealed that more than 50% of our children would like to live in a kinder world. (I have no doubt that most adults would also benefit from same.) Acts of kindness have a powerful impact on our wider community; they lift the mood of everyone involved including the giver, the receiver and those who witness the act. And, yet, sharing kindness can be both effortless and free. All it often takes is an awareness of others around you — what they are doing, what they are trying to accomplish, what they need — and the spontaneity to react accordingly. So, why not make it your mission in 2018 to delight people unexpectedly and to share the good stuff as often as you can?

More Generous

In our demanding world, it’s not always easy to be generous with your time or money. But don’t underestimate the impact you can make by being more forthcoming with other valuable assets. In 2018, you could resolve to be more generous with:

  • Your praise. When you see something you like, experience something enjoyable or notice something extraordinary … speak up. Tell people about it; share a compliment; write an email of appreciation.
  • Your smile. You may be unaware of the magic in your smile; it’s stress relieving, it’s attractive and it’s contagious. Consciously choose to share a smile — with your eyes as well as your mouth — throughout your day.
  • Your attention. This is not necessarily about giving up time to spend with others but about ensuring that, when you spend time with others, you are interested in them; you are curious, present, willing to listen. It’s about choosing to talk less, and listen more.

More Curious

Curiosity is the foundation of progress — it is the quality that gives rise to innovation and greater knowledge. It is also a vital element in human understanding, tolerance and compassion. In 2018, why not resolve to be more curious? This obviously means researching the things that interest you, but it also means finding out more about what interests and motivates others. When you meet someone new, ask more questions and make fewer comments. Ask “Why?” more often. And, importantly, draw upon curiosity to become more conscious and self-aware. Whenever you have a strong reaction to something or someone (when you are triggered), explore what it is that compels you to feel this way. What unconscious patterns can you acknowledge; what wounds can you heal; what prejudices and beliefs can you choose to discard? In 2018, why not be curious enough to know thyself a little better?

More Mindful

Being mindful simply means to be more aware — more engaged — with where you are and what you are doing. It is about shaking off the sleep-walk of daily existence and living life more consciously. In 2018, perhaps you can choose to ditch the mobile phone more often, or, if you are going to spend time on your social media feeds, at least do it purposefully and with intent! Importantly, be mindful of your impact on others and the environment. Learn about the consequences of your daily choices, and pay attention to how you tread in the world.


This doesn’t only mean that you will take better care when interacting with others, although I would obviously encourage this. In order for us to be more likely — more able — to be careful, gentle, cautious in how we interact with others, we must first nurture ourselves. When we feel more peaceful, safe and accepting, it is far easier for us to treat others gently. So, this New Year, I invite you to resolve to be more gentle on yourself. This means, be discerning in the types of programs or news items you watch; be more careful in who you choose to spend your time with; nudge your self-talk toward a more loving, nurturing monologue. Love yourself more and choose only those things that leave you feeling uplifted, inspired and/or nourished.

More Courageous

Finally, I invite you to consider a year where you will have more courage. This includes having the courage to make bold moves in your life: change careers, take risks, and make uncomfortable-yet-necessary decisions. But, vitally, this also means having the courage to admit when you’re wrong, start a conversation that will mend fences, or change your point of view on something.

This coming year — 2018 — is unusual in that the United Nations has not prescribed it as the Year of … anything. What 2018 means to us, as individuals and as a humanity, is yet to be determined. So, this New Year, I encourage you to decide what history you’d like written in the coming 12 months … and who you can be on a daily basis to support that vision.

Happy New Year!

Kim Forrester is an award-winning author, educator and intuitive consultant with over 15 years’ experience as a professional intuitive and spiritual teacher. She combines cutting edge science with traditional spirituality to offer the latest understandings of psi, consciousness and holistic well being.



Kim Forrester

Holistic wellbeing advocate, mother, nature lover and kindness enthusiast. Blends science with spirituality to inspire fullness of living. www.kimforrester.net