This time I wrote them down!

Just write them down.

Mariam Guizani
inspiration here


Whenever I have an important amount of work or a tight schedule to stick to, a strange thing happens: ideas show up out of nowhere! Actually pretty good ones, either it’s a topic for an eventual article, a project or some great activity that I could start if I only had time.

In my head it’s like: start yoga, make a chocolate cake, write about productivity, have a side project, read a book, go hiking, learn a new language, visit some place new, go try that restaurant…

That sounds good but the thing is when I get this so wanted free time I just have no clue about what I could do with it, I forget about all the ideas I imagined and end up watching a movie or scrolling back and forth on Facebook.

So here’s the thing, I happen to be wiser when I’ am busy that’s ok, I just need to write these things down on a little notebook and make them my long term todo list.

From now on whenever the inspiration cloud lands over my head I knew what I had to do: go grab my little magical notebook, so that when later on I catch myself starring aimlessly at the screen I go cross an idea over.

So whenever you get an idea that you’re excited about even if it’s a stupid one and seems only extraordinary to you, do yourself a favor and white it down.

The future bored you will be grateful for that and you’ll be happy to have a long list of interesting activities to fill up your free time and make it much more pleasant and productive.



Mariam Guizani
inspiration here

Computer Science PhD student, loves photography, reading and running. Smiling is the greatest way of living @mariam_gui