Inspiration Station
2 min readApr 7, 2017


Events in the world often pull us aside from our true purpose and nature. Violence is never going to be the answer to "what ails us". Yes, I believe there are times when we are left with no choice but to act to save ourselves, or another human being, due to the actions of others that go against our true nature.

But violence begets violence. It has always been that way and will continue to be that way. Violence is never the answer to violence. I know that very well. I lived a great part of my life with violence and chaos as part of my daily existence. As a teen I was sucked into a world of violence and trouble. My reactions to any "slight", perceived or otherwise, were immediate and fierce. It never solved anything and led me down a path that would take me years to come back from. Years of my life that I can never take back.

It might only be me, but I believe, truly believe, that the next step in our evolution will come about as a result of the unprecedented chaos and unrest that exists in the world today. That upheaval will act as a catalyst for this. Great change is always preceded by chaos, by disruption to the "norm". The difference nowadays is that there are many, many more people that are aware- self aware if you will.

Through that awareness comes a deep understanding of who we truly are. And, who we truly are is just the most powerful force in the Universe, because it is Love.

And, it is needed more than ever. I don't know about you, but I plan to spread that shit around even more...

Sending you much love and peace,



Inspiration Station

Chief Optimist/CEO-Colorado Success Unlimited. Quantum Activist. Grateful for every millisecond of life!