Inspiration Station
2 min readAug 16, 2017


Someone once told me that because the world was so rotten, vile, and evil, it wouldn’t make any difference what one person did.

Life has shown me otherwise.

I have personally experienced, in a very profound way, that Gratitude and Love are incredibly powerful forces in this world. I know that I can indeed bring that power to bear in my life and, perhaps even more importantly, in the lives of others.

See, agree with me or not, I do believe in the power that we have within to change the current paradigm. I do believe in the good that exists within us and in humanity overall. I do believe that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe.

No matter what, no matter what others do, I intend to live my life allowing that Love and Gratitude to flow freely through me and into the world around me. I know I am not alone in that. And, that is a very powerful thing indeed.

To all my friends out there, that share this same passion and belief, I say, you are not alone my friend! Find your tribe, find that vibe, and make it come alive in your life.

It is amazing what can happen when you do…

Much Love, (More of this, please…)

Rico- Peace, baby!✌️✌️❤️



Inspiration Station

Chief Optimist/CEO-Colorado Success Unlimited. Quantum Activist. Grateful for every millisecond of life!