How to Deal with Annoying People

It’s okay to be annoyed — just don’t be rash

J.M. Troppello
Inspiration Realm


“It’s taken years, but part of my own personal growth has involved deciding that I can learn something from even the most annoying person.” — Auliq Ice

Let’s face it, if you’re like me, you probably have people in your life that annoy you.

It’s okay to be annoyed. However, allowing yourself to be annoyed can cause you to be rash. You’ll likely react immaturely instead of responding maturely.

However, I’ve learned one important lesson in life about being annoyed.

Everyone has issues. I have issues. You have issues. It’s important to show grace.

Now, I know that’s not always easy.

If you need help dealing with annoying people in a mature way, consider implementing the following tips into your mindset for life.

“The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they’re going to have some pretty annoying virtues.” — Elizabeth Taylor

1. Boundaries

If possible, set clear boundaries. If the person is extremely toxic, you should not allow them in your…

