‘Treasure Found: An Art Journey’ by Cinthia James

Cendrine Marrouat
Inspirational Creativity


Have you ever been drawn to a book by just looking at its title?

It is exactly what happened when I received Cinthia James’s email. Then, I looked at the cover and felt that her book would be a fun and informative read.

Treasure Found: An Art Journey “provides a path for crafting and nurturing your unique artistic process.” It is divided into five self-explanatory chapters: “Beginning with the Basics,” “Searching for Inspiration,” “Practice, Practice, Practice,” “Silencing Self-Doubt,” and “Personalize Your Process.” Each is written in plain English and delivers essential information in a friendly and warm voice. James also includes many examples from her own body of work, which is a treat in itself.

I read this book twice. As an artist and as a regular reader. Every time, it was a different, albeit eye-opening experience. James has a very healthy and practical approach to art and creativity. The artist I am found her insights very solid. As a regular reader, I was transported into her mind. I could visualize her process and understand exactly how she worked.

My favorite parts of Treasure Found: An Art Journey are the essays on style vs. concept and grids (chapter 1). Those topics are widely discussed in the worlds of photography and…



Cendrine Marrouat
Inspirational Creativity

Writer & author, photographer, co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms / A Warm Mug of Cozy, and (co-)creator of literary forms.