How do I get my family to play boardgames? Bring out the Double Ditto

carmen holmes
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2021

This year its your turn to host the family reunion at home. There’s a bunch of 45 adults, teens and kids whom you need to squeeze into your basement. From young collegians competing to outdrink each other to school goers who seek the nearest exit from your walled zoo, from uncles who lament the dryness of turkey to aunts who are kind enough to share the achievements of their prodigal kids- you have a lot on your plate and a little preparation goes a long way. With Double Ditto fun family game your guests may spot a rainbow among the grey clouds of vape that gather around your get together every year.

This inclusive family board game shall ensure no guest is ever left talking to the house cat. And there is no clacking of five-inch heel for the next one and a half hour. Easy to explain and grasp within five minutes, this game along with its 400 topic cards, scoresheet and timer is ready to redefine how you interact with each other as a family forever. From an 80 to an 8-year-old, every player has a fair chance to win. Every round has a ‘Ditto Master’ who announces the topic like- ‘Things vegetarians eat’ or ‘Jobs with high salary’ and within 15 seconds the players have to come up with two answers that they can think of. They must try to pen down those responses which are likely to be echoed by another player. For every one answer that matches, 1 point is scored calling it a ‘ditto’. For both the answers that match, players score 3 points as a ‘double ditto’. At the end, scores are tallied and the winner is the one with the maximum score.

This family board game gets even better as you learn that the answers don’t even have to be correct or relevant. They are all valid and can earn you a point if they find a match. For disputes or differences of opinion over what constitutes a ‘match’, please refer to the instruction card. Overall, you would be surprised to learn new things about your old acquaintances, such as what do they keep in their wallet, bathroom or dresser. Which names they think are ugly or things that they hide from others. After a few rounds, you would be bound to be honest and share freely your thoughts on such matters.

The responses are often hilarious and liven up the gathering. Possibly the most agreeable way to get to know each other, this best board game from Inspiration Play was almost sold-out last year. Winer of the Creative Child Magazine ‘​Game of the Year’ in 2016, this board game pushes you to be clever and trust your spontaneity. Such is the harmony ushered into your living room that you may later experience less jostling at the food table as your guests patiently wait their turn.

You may also find them competing to host the next years’ party. Suggest them the expansion pack of Double Ditto which comes with 300 additional topic cards. Such is the connection felt after one round that even your aunt who at the beginning had boasted about her daughter wining the first prize, adds afterwards that she was the only contestant.

