My Smile Helps Me with Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

That’s how I make my day and a day for everyone!

Zafar Siddiqui
Inspiration by Zafar
3 min readMar 2, 2022


A woman in a white top crop is smiling while looking at the camera. Photo by Jeff Denlea from Pexels.
A woman in a white top crop is smiling while looking at the camera. Photo by Jeff Denlea from Pexels.

Have you ever wanted to let go of the ongoing frustration, stress, or anxiety? Let me share a short story of one of the beautiful experiences I gained at a decent restaurant where a lovely lady and I made each other’s day by exchanging our smiles. And that’ll sum up how our smiles play a role in uplifting our moods and letting go of our frustrations.

A few years back, I was at a restaurant where I wanted to have Zinger Wrap with Fries. A gorgeous waitress, nervous because her boss joked to her about my being a special customer, approached me without my making any calls or gestures.

I looked up and said, “Thank you so much for coming.” She smiled back, embarrassingly. I then said, “You are welcome. How are you?” She smiled again, and then she was gone.

I guess this is how they treat all the special customers at the restaurant, though I wasn’t special.

It made for an amazing experience. Sometimes one has to learn the art of being nice to others who serve us in any way possible. It feels good when someone appreciates your smile.

The next day, I went to the same restaurant again. The waitress remembered me.

I was wondering if you were coming back,” she said with a pleasant smile.

I am so sorry that I could not stay longer yesterday.”

She then asked me what I would like to have. She did not bother me because it was a very busy day for her.

I am so sorry, but could I please have a Fries with Zinger Wrap?

Is that all right?” I asked her.

She smiled and then said, “Yes, sir,” then gave me a menu to look at. She was the only one serving the whole floor.

Actually, I would like some extra cheese for this wrap.”

Of course,” she smiled back. “No problem at all! Thank you, sir!”

She came back with the plate in a few minutes but was too busy to say anything then. After she served everyone else around me, she came back.

Here is your Fries with Zinger Wrap,” said the beautiful waitress amidst her busy work. “Oh, and here’s your extra cheese, too.” I smiled at her and said thank you several times while taking my wrap and fries in my hand. She then said, “You are so welcome!” before she left.

The experience was another amazing one. I have realized that it’s not about the ordinary things in life but how you present yourself in front of others. That’s what makes life special. I made her day with just a thank you and being nice to her, and with my pleasant smile, of course.

Final Words

I hope you gained insight from my writing, and you’d help yourselves by just smiling throughout the day. Your life will change once you start smiling.

The more you laugh, the longer you live! So try laughing more rather than being sad. This will help you in many ways. I would conclude by quoting a Persian saying, “smiling is your duty.” Do your tasks and smile; happiness will follow you!

I’ve also published an article, explaining the psychology of How Can A Smile Cure Mental Illness and Spread Happiness that you’d definitely love reading out.

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Zafar Siddiqui
Inspiration by Zafar

Trying to become my own voice and build something huge.