Running Helps You Live Longer — But Not Without Doing it Right

It’s no secret that running is good for your health, but you shouldn’t do it wrong.

Zafar Siddiqui
Inspiration by Zafar
7 min readOct 17, 2022


A fitness man in a red long-sleeve shirt is holding a water bottle while taking a break from running. A design on Canva edited by the author.
A fitness man in a red long-sleeve shirt is holding a water bottle while taking a break from running. A design on Canva edited by the author.

When people think about running, they often associate it with getting in shape, staying healthy, and losing weight.

However, when it comes to the question, “how long will I live?” you need to get in shape, stay healthy, and eat right. That way, you increase your chances of living a longer, happier, healthier life.

Running is not only great exercise and a way to stay fit, but it’s also the best way to eliminate your chances of getting sick and boost your immune system.

“It doesn’t matter how fast or how far you’re going. If you’re putting on your shoes and going out for a run, you are a runner, you are in that club.” — Kara Goucher

There are lots of reasons why people say that exercise makes you live longer. However, the reality is that it doesn’t necessarily mean that exercise has anything to do with your longevity.

When you look at the studies, there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that a high-quality diet and moderate exercise are vital for a healthy lifestyle that helps people live longer.

It’s Not Just About Running — It’s About How You Do It

Most people think running is about how much time we can put into a single session. We run to get in shape, lose weight, and look better.

And while those are significant benefits, the truth is that we’re neglecting the most critical factor.

Yes, you can lose weight by running. Yes, you can improve your health and look better by running.

However, it would help if you run with the right mindset and technique. And if you don’t, you’ll waste your time and energy.

How to Run Correctly?

People who start running have minimal experience of how to run correctly. And that leads to an obvious mistake that we often see on YouTube.

“I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days.” — Ronald Rook.

It’s easy to watch a runner who looks like they’re trying to kill themselves and assume they’re making a bad mistake.

Here’s the truth: running is a skill. You can learn to become a better runner

even if you’re not good at it.

You’re probably seeing runners on YouTube with poor form because they’ve never learned how to run correctly.

To fix this, you must start practicing by simply walking. Runners should start by jogging on the treadmill for about five minutes and then slowly increase the time.

A fit man is tying his shoelaces in the street. Alexander Redl/Unsplash.
A fit man is tying his shoelaces in the street. Alexander Redl/Unsplash.

If you cannot jog for 10 minutes, try walking for 10 minutes. Then slowly increase the time you walk until you can jog for 15 minutes.

When you’re ready to begin jogging, you should focus on a particular aspect of your running form. For example, many runners focus on keeping their knees bent while running comfortably and naturally.

Running With No Plan Can Be Dangerous

Many runners feel like they’re not running because they don’t have a plan. That’s the wrong mindset.

A running plan is a tool you use to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

It can include training sessions, nutrition plans, and other factors. The more you understand your body and its needs, the easier it will be for you to adapt and run more effectively.

You don’t have to have a very detailed plan, either. It’s best to pick up a few tips and keep your training simple.

As long as you keep your goals in mind and have a solid plan to get you there, your running will start to improve.

Running is one of the best exercises you can do for your body. It can lower your heart disease and type 2 diabetes risk and even decrease your cancer risk.

Unfortunately, many runners have no plan. Some start running for the sake of running. They run without thinking, they run without planning, and they run without doing any research.

By starting without a plan, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage. Without an idea of what you’re doing or where you’re going, you could injure yourself and even break your hipbone.

So what can you do if you’re starting to run? You can follow these tips:

Start slowly: This is very important. You don’t have to go from zero to a marathon in weeks. It’s better to start slowly and gradually build up your endurance.

Stay injury-free:

If you’re new to running, the best thing you can do is avoid injuries. Start with easy runs, then build up your pace as your body strengthens.

Stick to the proper running form:

When you run, you should be able to hold a particular posture. For example, when you run, your back should be straight. Your arms should be outstretched.

If you’re a beginner, this is a great way to avoid injuries and ensure that your form is correct.

Get a coach:

If you’re unsure whether you’re following the correct running form or trying to speed up without a plan, a good coach can help you.

Running with a coach can prevent injuries, improve your form, and ensure that you perform at your best. Many coaches are certified by the National Association of Sports Medicine.

You can find a good coach for running anywhere, but it’s a good idea to look for someone who has experience with beginners and is willing to work with you.

It’s All About Your Goal — Not Just Your Fitness Level

I often see people complaining about their lack of progress. They’re unhappy with the results and can’t figure out why.

The problem is that they don’t have an effective “why.”

That’s one of the biggest mistakes runners make. When you’re training, it’s all about your “why.”

“Exercise is like meditation for me. And I’m giving myself that time . . . I cannot live without it now. When you have such a good workout, it clears everything up mentally, physically, and you just have a better day.” — Minka Kelly.

In other words, you have to figure out why you’re training, and that’s why you’re training. Why are you doing this? Are you trying to lose weight? Do you want to improve your performance and gain fitness?

A woman is running under bare trees in the forest. Fil Mazzarino/Unsplash.
A woman is running under bare trees in the forest. Fil Mazzarino/Unsplash.

You have to be clear about your goals. Otherwise, you’re not going to achieve them.

Focusing on the right reasons will increase your motivation, improve consistency, and help you make the necessary changes.

How to Run With Less Stress and Pain?

While there is no doubt that you should work on your running form to avoid injury, there’s also no denying that your body will be at its best when you’re running with proper posture.

Running with good posture helps eliminate back pain, putting less stress on your spine, pelvis, and knees.

Runners who adopt better posture while running could reduce the amount of pain they experience.

It may be due to poor posture or problems with aching hips, sore muscles, or other aches. When you’re standing, sitting, and running with good posture, your spine will be at the right angle, which means you won’t experience any aches or pains.

The biggest mistake many people make when trying to change their posture is that they think they have to stand up straight.

The problem is that you don’t. There is no such thing as perfect posture.

It’s not like you’ll find a picture of the perfect posture on the web and try to copy it. Instead, you have to adjust the way you’re standing.

If you’re standing with your back too straight, your shoulders will be too forward. If your shoulders are too far back, your torso will tilt backward, and if your back is reclined, you won’t be able to keep your head up.

The most important part is to understand the ideal posture for running and then work on improving it.

The Final Words

Running is not only great exercise and a way to stay fit, but it’s also one of the best ways to decrease your chances of getting sick and boost your immune system.

There are lots of reasons why people say that exercise makes you live longer. However, the reality is that it doesn’t necessarily mean that exercise has anything to do with your longevity.

The problem isn’t with running itself. The problem lies with how we’re approaching it. Improving our running form can increase our running performance, improve our endurance, and prevent injuries.

A balanced, well-rounded lifestyle is the best way to live. In other words, a combination of a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and avoiding bad habits (like smoking or drinking too much alcohol) will help you stay healthy and live a happy life.

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Zafar Siddiqui
Inspiration by Zafar

Trying to become my own voice and build something huge.