Be Authentic

2 min readSep 9, 2021

Tips to find yourself

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Most people play some role and are afraid of showing who they really are. They’re trying to hide you. They don’t say what they really think. And they do what others ask of them instead of pursuing their own goals.

But deep down, they are unhappy.

Why is it so difficult for us to just be ourselves?

Basically, it’s not difficult to be yourself:

You don’t have to learn to be authentic. You just have to be. It is entirely your choice. Even so, most people are scared of it. You have to want it. Everyone is automatically authentic when alone.

When we are with friends or work colleagues, even with family, we begin to pretend.

We believe that others expect us to behave in a certain way. So we try to meet these expectations. Because we think that otherwise, we will no longer be loved and recognized. And then we put on a mask and begin to disguise ourselves.

Most of the time, the problem is that we are unhappy when we are not ourselves.

We feel like we are lying to ourselves. This is not how our true personalities can develop.

If you’ve had enough of hiding your true personality and want to make your real self bloom, here are a few tips for you on…




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