Generosity Is Linked To Happiness

How giving to others enriches your life.

Charlene Fate
Inspire 250


Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

When we search for ways to improve our lives, we turn to mentors. We are advised by self-help gurus to mirror successful behaviors in the hopes of achieving the same type of success. It’s all about how I can improve my life.

Even practicing gratitude focuses on what I have to be grateful for. At this point in my life, I want to take the focus off of myself to focus on others.

Moving forward instead of focusing on what I can receive I am going to focus on how I can give.

I don’t have a lot. I don’t have everything I want but my basic needs are met and for that I am grateful. For that reason, I feel blessed for the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. We know so many people praying for a miracle. In small ways, we can help someone else.

Helping others benefits us as well. Psychology Today reports that there are studies linking generosity and happiness in the brain. The feel-good benefits of giving are the same whether you’re lending a listening ear, giving a ride, or donating goods and money.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own wants and needs. We need to remember that helping others is another facet of self-care. By contributing to others we strengthen our purpose and meaning in…

