How Forgiving Are You?

Annelise Lords
Inspire 250
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2020


Image by Annelise Lords

Allison Bern wipes the tears from her eyes as the Judge called out, “Mrs. Bern, what would you like to say before I sentenced him.”

Her rage for revenge was diluted daily as she read the pain and regret on the faces of Calvin Anderson’s wife and his children, who was much younger than her 10-year-old Amelia he had accidentally killed. She refused to look into their eyes for the past three weeks of the trial, but today, she was cornered.

With a heart heavy with pain, sorrow, and regret, while wrestling with forgiveness and loss, Allison sighed. Staring into the innocent eyes of three little girls, she saw her pain of loss, as their teary eyes beg for mercy. She blinked as her tears washed away the vengeance she thought she wanted, and her heart rebounded in forgiveness. She cleared her throat and said, “I have lost only one child and can get another, these three girls won’t be able to get another father. You have the power to make that decision your honor, please, for the sake of love and forgiveness, make the right one with mercy.”

How forgiving are you? Can we forgive anyone for anything?

Thank you for reading this piece. I hope you enjoyed it.

