Would You Always Want To Know The Truth Regardless Of The Consequences? Susan Johnson

Annelise Lords
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Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2024


The truth depends on which side you are on, and how you benefit from it. Annelise Lords

Image by Annelise Lords

Enjoying: The Dilemma of Knowing the Truth by Susan Johnson

What is the truth?

Google says: that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

It also says: a fact or belief that is accepted as true.

So, whatever is presented and is accepted, can be called the truth? Really?

We were told that there are three versions of the truth. His side. Her side. And the right side.

Google also says the truth has four categories.

we utilize four categories of truths: objective truth, subjective truth, normative truth, and positive truth.

There are more than eight billion truths in our world, and each human version of the truth is hardly the same.

Back to Susan’s question.

