15 People Who Made CRAZY Homemade Christian Signs or Billboards

Yes — these people made these signs AND showed them in public!

Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Sometimes a witty retort is the best course of action…

Sometimes, you can snag the perfect sign right off the shelf, ready to unleash your thoughts on the unsuspecting world.

And if you’ve got the Photoshop chops or even just a smidgen of Canva creativity, you can whip up a sign that’s not too shabby, either.

But what if you’re tighter with your cash than a clam at low tide or just plain stingy? Fear not, for with a trusty band of felt-tip friends, some trusty paper, and your trusty home laser printer, you can strut your stuff in public looking as bewilderingly bonkers as the fine folks in this post.

Yes, get ready for the latest instalment of what I like to call “Christian Weird” — where we venture into the wacky, eerie, and outright absurd side of Christianity. I’ll even toss in some links to more unbelievable oddities below.

But let’s not dilly-dally; it’s time to plunge headfirst into this fresh batch and expose FIFTEEN full-blown whackjobs who’ve boldly hit the streets with these “Christian” signs…



Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.