5 Things You Always Thought WERE In the Nativity Story — But Are NOT

We’ve seen them in school and church nativities, but that doesn’t mean they are in the Bible!

Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow


It’s the most traditional of Christmas traditions — the school or church Nativity Play.

We’ve all been there. We are straining at the back to get a decent view of our children or grandchildren, carefully seated on a hay bale with a tea towel on their heads and cringing as they stumble over their oh-so-carefully memorised line.

But we are bursting with pride as we hold back tears of joy.

Yeah, I’ve been there myself…

It might surprise you then to learn that much of what passes for ‘The Nativity Story’ is a mix of medieval addition and modern-day affectation that bears no resemblance to the original story in the Bible.

Filippo Lippi, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are FIVE ways that the modern Nativity gets it wrong

1. The donkey that never was

If you have been to a Nativity play in the past few weeks, you will doubtless have seen Mary arriving in…



Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.