8 Interesting True Life Facts About St Augustine of Canterbury

The first ever Archibshop of Canterbury is commemorated on May 26th

Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Statue in Canterbury Cathedral: Creative Commons

Let’s start this romp through the life of St Augustine of Canterbury by drawing a clear distinction between the life of this Christian saint and the “other” St Augustine.

The other guy — the person tarred with the brush of the doctrine of original sin, predestination and penal substitutionary atonement was Augustine the Hippo.

Photo by Andreea Russu on Unsplash

Sorry — that should be Augustine OF Hippo — the North African bishop and theologian who rose to prominence late in the 4th Century.

His feast day is August 28th so we can set him to one side for now — he’s NOT the guy we are talking about today.

So who is this other dude?

Augustine of Canterbury, the first Archbishop of Canterbury, was a pivotal figure in the spread of Christianity in England during the 6th century. And his achievements have left an indelible mark on the history of Christianity in This Sceptred Isle.



Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.