A Christian Litmus Test

The evidence of proof

Jenny Calvert
Inspire, Believe, Grow


I was overjoyed to find some of your children living in the truth, just as we had been commanded by the Father. Now, dear friends, I am requesting that we love each other. It’s not as though I’m writing a new command to you, but it’s one we have had from the beginning. (2 John 1:4–5, CEB)

Is it virtual or real?

My grandson had me try his virtual reality game. He gave me some instructions and said, “I’m going to give you an easy one.” As soon as he placed the goggles on my face, I was in an entirely different world.

I went up an elevator, and when the doors opened, I had to step out on a beam perched high above tall buildings. The drop was so far you couldn’t see the bottom.

Now pragmatically, I knew I was in his living room, but it seemed so realistic I could not step out on the beam. He finally took me by the hand, led me onto the beam, and guided me to step off it and fall to the ground. It was a soft fall — like I had a parachute.

The whole event was fake. There was no elevator, no beam, and no high buildings. It was only my grandson standing in his living room and me.

Counterfeit or Genuine

I bought products online only to find out that they differed from the picture described. The fake Social Security Department has called to get information from me. Fraudulent text messages say they need more information to claim my hoax prize. We experience deception daily and sometimes learn to trick ourselves into believing we are something we are not.

Do we have a virtual relationship with Christ? Is there a way to test the reality of our faith?

Here is the actual litmus test.

Jesus said that He had two commandments–love Godlove others. He finished with a statement that acts as His exclamation point.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22:40, KJV)

How can Jesus dumb it down anymore to make us understand?

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:8, ESV)

Wow! Could such a simple test determine the proof? If we look through the love lens of Jesus and see anything other than love, we are on the virtual path?

1 Peter 2:16 specifically tells us not to hide behind our freedom in Christ to do evil acts. Yet cruel actions under the guise of Christianity are a fact.

Are we living as counterfeit Christians, or are we living in the reality of Christ? We must test our faith under His microscope of love. We may be able to fake it, but the only spiritual world we will make it in is a virtual one.

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Jenny Calvert
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Jenny is a Christian devotional writer. She writes for several magazines, books, and online venues, sharing the peace, hope, and light of Christ.