Four Ways Worry Ruins Our Life — And Three Things Jesus Said Which Helps

And I write as an expert in worrying…

Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Bowed down with worry? Let the Church help 😛 (Night Cafe AI)

Good morning. My name is Paul, and I am a worry-aholic.

There… I said it.

I’ve always been the worrying kind. As long as I can remember — going back into my childhood — I’ve worried and obsessed about all sorts of things.

I don’t know if it is hereditary — I mean, how could it be? — but my Mum was a massive worrier before me. Perhaps her worrying about me when I was a kid rubbed off on me. Who knows?

Living as a Jesus follower for these past decades hasn’t made me into someone who never worries — which is ironic, given how the Bible repeatedly tells us NOT to worry.

But what exactly is wrong with worrying? Is it such a bad thing, really?

Let’s look at what I believe are some good reasons not to worry.

The first reason is because it’s dangerous to our health.

Doctors report that 43% of all adults suffer ill effects to their health because of worry.

Worry has been linked to heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, and suicide. Persistent worry often interferes with…



Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.