I Decided To Write Again on Medium

I’ve had a four-month break — now I’m itching to get back on the horse.

Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Author Photo — with a sepia effect ‘cos I’m feeling a bit retro today…

“Welcome back, my friends
To the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!”
(Karn Evil No 9 by Emerson, Lake and Palmer)

Well, folks! Did you all think (hoped?) you’d seen the last of me here on good old Medium.com?

Truthfully, when I posted FOUR MONTHS AGO (where did that time go?), saying that I was done with Medium, I meant what I said. 100%

I had reached that point where I just didn’t want to write stuff for Medium anymore.

So what changed, Brother Paul? And why on earth are you clogging up my feed again?

The honest answer is that I missed writing. I would read some crazy story about the wild and wacky world of Christianity and think to myself, “That would make a cool story for my readers on Medium…. oh wait…I don’t do that anymore.”

That didn’t happen overnight. I definitely needed the break. I’d hit the wall with grinding out articles every day and needed some time away.

Now, that doesn’t mean I want to throw myself headlong into the grind — churning out posts EVERY single damn day like a…



Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.