It’s Difficult Letting Go

I think because it’s a change

Jenny Calvert
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Photo by AZGAN MjESHTRI on Unsplash

One day the younger son came to his father and said, “Father, eventually, I’m going to inherit my share of your estate. Rather than waiting until you die, I want you to give me my share now.” And so, the father liquidated assets and divided them. (Luke 15:12, VOICE)

When our children were small, they looked to us for all their needs. As time passed, they soon learned basic living skills to become less dependent. Little by little, they became more independent until, like baby birds, it was time to fly from the nest.

When you see your adult children make bad choices, you want to scold and reprimand them; however, you must step back, place them in God’s hands, and let them go. Letting go allows you to keep them, while clinging tight may alienate them. It’s a time of absolute trust in the Lord.

There is a story told in the Bible where a father had to let go of his son. He was given his inheritance and foolishly squandered away all his money. There was a famine in the land, and the son was not only broke but so hungry that he was reduced to eating pig slop.

So he had this moment of self-reflection: “What am I doing here? Back home, my father’s hired servants have plenty of food. Why am I here starving to death? I’ll get up and return to my father, saying, ‘Father, I have done wrong — wrong against God and against you. I have forfeited any right to be treated like your son, but I’m wondering if you’d treat me as one of your hired servants?’” (Luke 15:17–19, VOICE)

The son felt safe to return to the father who released him. The father was there with open arms, rejoicing that his son had returned home.

Letting go can sometimes be difficult because it means a change in our lives. We do not like change, but change is inevitable. Our children will grow up, and we need to let them go.

However, not only should we release our children, but we need to let go of our problems, worries, fears, and guilt.

God wants us to rely on Him. He will take care of everything that takes more space, time, and thought, putting God in second place. He knows these things take second place when we put them in His capable hands.

The only one first in our lives should be Christ.

When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, but for a time we turn away, He chases us with His love but never forces Himself upon us. Like the prodigal son’s father, He waits patiently.

Never let go of Christ because He will take care of you.

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Jenny Calvert
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Jenny is a Christian devotional writer. She writes for several magazines, books, and online venues, sharing the peace, hope, and light of Christ.