Seven Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy

That is if you have even heard of him at all. Read on and find out more about this incredible man.

Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Creative Commons

On March 8th, 1929, a sickly 45-year-old man died in Liverpool.

His name was Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy. Most people have never heard of him, but he was one of the most inspiring figures in the first half of the twentieth century.

But who was Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy? And, after all these years, what is it about this man that makes him worth remembering?

Here is a list of eight facts about Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy that will inspire you:

1. He came from humble beginnings

He was born in Leeds’ Quarry Hill neighbourhood in 1883. It’s an impoverished urban district east of the city centre notorious for its overcrowded streets and deprivation,

I lived in Leeds for a few years, and it was hard to appreciate any of this. An ill-fated post-war social housing project had replaced all of its original housing. In 1978, these tower blocks were themselves razed to the ground. Today, the local council have repurposed the area into a clutch of art, culture, and education institutions.



Paul Walker
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.