The Parable of the New School Headteacher

How will anyone learn anything?

Revd Kevin Barnard
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Empty desks in a school classroom
Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

A school has a new Headteacher.

He wants to make his mark.

The first thing he does is change his title; ‘Headteacher’ is so old-fashioned. So, he changes the sign on his door to ‘Chief Executive Officer’, which is more in keeping with how he thinks he should be seen.

He wants to shake up the system.

His next task is to change the school day. He starts by ruling that students only have to go to school once a week; they have busy lives. In fact, he later makes school optional. He hopes they will come along at least once a month; they have got to want to come to get anything out of it.

He then reduces the school day to an hour or an hour and a half if everyone is having fun; students have shorter attention spans these days. And in lessons, teachers will only be allowed to spend 2–3 minutes reading from textbooks and certainly are not allowed to spend more than 12 minutes explaining anything.

The response was immediate.

Social media lit up with negative comments. People wrote letters of complaint to the papers. Meetings took place. There were calls for the new Headteacher to resign.

In the end, the new Headteacher was fired.

It had to happen. Children are the future. How can they take their place in society if they just don’t know anything?


If this would be unacceptable in our education system, why would it be acceptable in church?

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