What Does It Mean to Be Saved?

Salvation isn’t just about the afterlife.

Grant Bullert
Inspire, Believe, Grow


Photo by Joe Yates on Unsplash

One of the few things all Christians can agree on is that we are saved by Jesus.

That’s a good thing to be sure of, but what exactly is the purpose of salvation? What does it accomplish?

There are a number of different views on the subject, and the most popular ones tend to be focused on an abstract vision of the future. “If you’re saved, you’ll go to heaven one day. If you’re not, you are bound for hell.” A wide range of Christians would argue that’s all there is to it. Personally, I find that line of thinking to be utterly lacking and wholly beside the point. In fact, I believe it illustrates a rather low opinion of God.

For those of us who’ve decided to call Christ our Savior, we have done so in response to a question. But what’s interesting is that not everyone is asking the same question. What we ask says a lot about our character, and it’s good to check in with ourselves once in a while to see where our heart is.

If we don’t occasionally take the time for self-reflection, then we won’t experience much growth in our faith. My hope is that we all learn to keep asking the right question by continually and repeatedly surrendering to God’s profound love for us.



Grant Bullert
Inspire, Believe, Grow

Endlessly exploring life through cinema, theology, photography, music, and as many other avenues as possible.