Ega’s Journal — Week 5

Kevin Ega Pratama
Inspire Crawler
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2016

This is the 5th post for my journal, the previous post can be seen here

First week of our sprint are now past and few days still remain until the sprint ends. this past week courses in the campus were giving out assignments while there are still some tasks left to do like finishing the code for our sprint and doing mockups so it has been a busy week for me and i suppose the team also feel the same way as i do.

What I have done?

I code two things for this week the first one is the visit method. this method is to process the page that is being crawled by the crawler. so using the crawler class i get the information of the page mainly the html and then using boilerpipe i extract the text of the page. and then using the filter class created by Haryo Akbarianto Wibowo i will filter the quotes from the text extracted by boilerpipe and then connect to database and add the quotes that have been filtered by the filter class to the database (the part that haven’t done are the filtering and adding the quotes to database).

Have a quick look of the code below:

the second one is the ConfigReader class. the class function is to read a config file and then save the configuration parameter that can be obtained by using the setter getter methods in the class.

Quick look of the code:

All of my code can be seen on our github in my branch that is branch-ega:

While doing the code me and puti created mockups these are some of the first mockup i created (unrevised version);

those above are the first version of the mockups that i created. the mockups have been updated by Puti Fitri Larasati in our invision project. there you can see the version history of the mockup. Puti has made the mockups brighter and improve the readability of the site with a white background in contrast with the first mockups i created that were colored gray. in the future we must finish the guideline for the web design, we have finished the typography guideline and later on we will add more guideline such as color palette, iconography, logo, form, button, etc.

The link to our invision app:

I also attended a seminar about Git that was held by RISTEK Fasilkom UI on Saturday, March 19. There i learn more about using git as a version control and familiarize using git bash and knowing some of the bash command for editing file.

You can also get the slide and learn Git for yourself, here you go!:

What’s next!

Spent the remaining days of the sprint to finish all the tasks i took and do more mockups!.



Inspire Crawler
Inspire Crawler

Published in Inspire Crawler

Tim B Topik 2 PPL Badr Interactive mengerjakan projek crawling data berupa quote.

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