Ega’s Journal — Week 10

Kevin Ega Pratama
Inspire Crawler
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2016

Honestly, i feel that this past week was my least productive week of all because of these interviews i need to attend to and the preparation for those takes time. Well of course it can’t be an excuse, simply because i manage time so poorly this week (sorry to all).

What I Have Done

A week before, i did host the static pages of the website to a free hosting site named: but it can only support basic php feature. So sadly it can’t be used to host our website with MongoDB support for the API.(bye, then i tried to look for a free web-hosting that supports MongoDB but unfortunately i can’t find it anywhere so recently we asked our mentor at BADR Interactive Mr. Salman to provide us a server to host the website but it currently under construction so for now back to localhost, i suppose?.

Umm.. because my tasks for this sprint are mostly done, i didn’t do much. All that i did was combining all pages from others and fixed the routing so now you can access the homepage, the contact page, the about page, termofuse page and faq page. You can look it up on GitHub on my branch: branch-ega

and i did some issues tracking, not much but still i’ve done it.

Issues Tracked

The issues i still found are about the responsiveness of the pages.
this issue can be solved by using classes from bootstrap such as Grid Class, Responsive Image Class.

The Image above shows us that some of the images of the team member are missing because the images aren’t responsive.

One way to solve this issue is by using Grid Class. where for each image you can choose how many grid space used for small resolution (for smartphone, small devices), medium resolution (tablet, medium-sized devices), large resolution(PC, and Laptop)

Another issue: the footer placement is not on the bottom of the page but on the middle of the page or sometimes jut not in the “correct” place, when the page is resized or opened from smaller device. This happened because of incorrect usage of css styling.

Another issue: “javadoc” button on Source Code page redirect to nothing (Error 404 Not Found).
This happened because the page it redirect to doesn’t exist yet.

What To Do

Help to enhance the responsiveness of the website, fix incorrect usage of css styling for the layout. Refactor some CSS and Html code.

