Congrats On Another Fantastic CSEdWeek, But The Work Doesn’t End Here

Wonder Workshop
Find Wonder
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2016

This week, across the nation children, students, educators, and parents took part in CSEdWeek sponsored by the White House. Millions coded, hacked, debugged, and programmed their way to a new future. It was an exciting time for computer science education nationwide and we in the Bay Area were overjoyed to take part in the movement, but we must not let this momentum end.

Computer sciences, robotics, and STEM fields are foundational to our children’s futures. I’ve seen first hand the difference an education in Computer Science can make in the lives of students and adults. Many are doing their part to bring computer science education to the masses. Organizations like are making coding and education resources more accesible through their Hour of Code programs and volunteer work.

In light of this progress, still too many children do not have access to the tools and resources necessary to learn these subjects. For educators, finding the resources, tools and support for teaching STEM programs remains a difficulty. But this problem can be solved. Leaders in STEM and tech companies must do their part in helping all individuals realize their potential in this field. At Wonder Workshop we are committed to giving every child the opportunity to code. It’s why, this holiday, we donated the tools students need to make this a reality.

This year for CSEdWeek we wanted to take our commitment one step further. We know that in order bring computer sciences to all, it takes more than a week. To help educators year-round we partnered with to host a professional learning community on Coding & Robotics in grades K-8 to provide teachers with new information, resources, ideas, and a place for discussion.

Together thought leaders, technical experts, and educators will collaborate on how best to integrate computer science and coding theory into core subjects. And the best part, it’s absolutely free for educators to access. To kick-off this partnership, Wonder Workshop presented our first community webinar, “Beyond the Hour of Code,” during CSEdWeek and is now available on-demand.

CSEdWeek represents a new frontier in our children’s education and a sure bet in securing their success long into the future. There’s still more work that can be done beyond this week. Join me and others across the nation in promoting our children’s futures year round. Host an event, participate, code. Together we can prepare our children for the world of tomorrow.



Wonder Workshop
Find Wonder

Inspiring children with the power to shape, change, and re-imagine the world around them. Creators of Dash & Dot, smart robots for curious minds.