Meet 3 Students at the Goviepe-Todzi School in Ghana

Wonder Workshop
Find Wonder
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2016

A few months ago we announced that our community successfully funded educational materials for a school in Ghana in partnership with Pencils of Promise (PoP). By now, the teacher support, water and hygiene programming, and e-reader programs are up and running! Upper primary teachers are incorporating e-readers in lesson plans, students are excited to use washing facilities and show visitors how they wash their hands, and teacher support has helped engage more students during class hours.

The e-readers have had a noticeable effect on the way class is taught, opening the students’ world up beyond the physical textbooks at the school. With access to hundreds of thousands of books at the touch of a finger, students have much more control over their learning. Students have quickly gotten attached to their e-readers, some even declaring to that “they feel bored without them.”

Bridget Mensah, age 14

What is your favorite subject? Why?
My favorite is English, because I love reading.

What do you like to do outside of school?
I like to read after school and practice my writing and spelling. When I am home with my sisters I like toplay ampe (a jumping game) with them

Why do you love going to school?
I love to learn and read. Going to school is helping me become a good person in the future.

How do you like your e-reader?
I like how I can read all the time now. I can take it home with me and read whenever I want. I like how I can read all the time now. I can take it home with me and read whenever I want.

What book are you reading now?
Right now I am reading I Am an African on my e-reader. But my favorite book is called Birago and Grandmother.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
When I grow up, I want to help sick people. At school, I help the younger children when they get hurt and get them the medicine they need when they are sick.

What does an education mean to you? Why is it important?
Having an education will help me become a nurse one day. The school teaches me good values and morals that will help me become a good person when I am older.

Richard Boni, age 12

What is your favorite subject? Why?
My favorite subjects are English and Math. I enjoy solving problems with math, but I also like to read in my English class.

What do you like to do outside of school?
I like to read after school, I am always reading. Sometimes I run or draw pictures, but my favorite is reading.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
Because I love learning, I want to be a primary school teacher and teach math and English. A teacher canhelp the most in developing children by helping them gain the knowledge they need.

How do you like your e-reader?
I like that my e-reader has so many books and I can practice my typing by searching books I want to read. The e-reader allows me to read as much as possible. I read about 4–5 books a day before and after school. Many of the books in my class are spoiled, the e-reader gives me a chance to read all the books I want. Before my e-reader I did not read at all, but now my English is much better and has helped me read more. Now I read the most out of anyone in my class.

What book are you reading now?
I have read four books today, but my favorite is called The Poor Farmer and the Egg. My family are farmers, and the story helps me connect and learn more about farming.

What does an education mean to you? Why is it important?
If I did not go to school, I would be a farmer and then would not be able to be a teacher in the future.

Mawuli Akoto, age 9

What is your favorite subject? Why?
My favorite subject is Math. It is a subject I am not familiar with and I am learning more and more aboutit each day.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
I want to be a teacher when I am older. I want to be able to impact the children of the future with theknowledge I am learning now. To practice, I help my teachers in class.

What do you like about having an e-reader?
I like reading and the e-reader gives me an opportunity to practice my English. Many of the books in class are not in good condition. The e-reader lets me read whatever I want. My reading and writing in English have improved.

What does an education mean to you? Why is it important?
School is important, to help me become a useful adult in the future.

What are your hopes for the future?
I want to be rich and have many animals.



Wonder Workshop
Find Wonder

Inspiring children with the power to shape, change, and re-imagine the world around them. Creators of Dash & Dot, smart robots for curious minds.