An introduction

Matt Anderson
Inspire Engineering
1 min readFeb 27, 2017

We are a humble group of developers. We come from varied backgrounds and now we share a singular vision — to build the technology that will enable a clean energy movement.

This blog is about our learnings along the way, some deep dives into technology, and general musings from members of our tech team.

Actual quotes from actual* coworkers:

“The tech team is great! Wait, what do they do again?” -AT

“I’m scared of them. Wayy too much beard.” -SB

“The tech team slayshes the gnar, bro brah.” -BL

*I actually just made those up. Most of them.

Finally, time for a shameless self plug. If you or someone you know is looking to make a real difference with technology, check out our website at or email us directly at

Thanks for reading!

