Courtney Worrell
Inspire the Mind
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1 min readAug 11, 2020

This August, help us raise money for charity by sending us your best and most inspiring shots

If you’ve seen our Instagram page, you’ll know we accept submissions of ‘inspirational images’ to share each Friday. Now, for the month of August, we will be donating £1 to mental health charity Mind, so what better time to send us your images!

Whether the view from your garden, or a scenic holiday snap, send us your best and most inspiring images to donate to a worthy cause. Each week our favourites will be featured on our Instagram and our website!

To submit an entry simply message us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or drop us an email on

We look forward to seeing your photos and don’t forget to come back tomorrow for an all new blog!

Best wishes,

InSPIre the Mind team

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Courtney Worrell
Inspire the Mind

Trial Manager in the Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology (SPI) Lab at the IOPPN, Kings College London. Co-editor and writer for InSPIre the Mind