ITM Newsletter — 24th July 2020

Inspire the Mind
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3 min readJul 24, 2020

Hi there!

We’ve had some really lovely pieces go up on InSPIre the Mind this week that we hope you take some time to read and enjoy as much as we have. A couple of great blogs this week, first from our very own Co-Editor, Courtney Worrell, and next from Dinesh Bhugra CBE (published just TODAY!)


Ten Positive Things That Could Emerge from the Pandemic

By Dinesh Bhugra, CBE

First pandemic in living memory has created a number of sensational issues in the minds and behaviour of the general population, healthcare professionals and policymakers.

In many countries, leadership has gone absent without official leave (AWOL). Particular ethnic groups have suffered disproportionately and the inequality between groups has been highlighted in unprecedented ways. The role of governments in protecting the populations has come into a bright spotlight and many governments around the world have failed abjectly.

Mental health funding: A Cinderella Story

By Courtney Worrell

Once upon a time, there was a girl who grew up to become a mental health researcher…

No. Wait. Once upon a time? I’m not the Cinderella in this fairy tale…

I am the girl who grew up to become a researcher though.

I’ve been working in mental health for a number of years now and have written a number of blogs in this time. The first of which was all about stigma. Since then, I have written about an inspirational doctor, who transformed care for many. I have written more directly about my work with a blog on the future of clinical trials, and I have written about microdosing — something which is very different to my own work but could have important implications for it. But my first — about stigma — is the one I want to emphasise.


Understanding mental health and how to keep it strong during this pandemic

By Lokesh Aggarwal

Medical student Lokesh talks all about understanding what mental health is and shares his thoughts on how to properly care for our mental wellbeing during lockdown

Running from a scientist’s point of view: hating it or loving it?

By Juliette Giacobbe

In her latest piece, Juliette talks all about running, why some love it, why others hate it, and how the brain-body relationship influences your experience of exercise and mental health

Lockdown awakening: Embracing the complexities

By Natasha Trotman

Natasha returns with reflections on her time during #lockdown and talks all about mental health & how to embrace the complexities, from a neurodivergent perspective

The outdoors and mental health: an “after-the-lockdown” perspective

By Carolina Estevao

As lockdown eases in England, Carolina reflects on how her relationship with #nature grew in this time & talks about how connecting with the nature around us can benefit mental health & wellbeing

Don’t forget to follow us on social media to keep up to date with the latest blogs, news, and all things InSPIre the Mind!

See you next week!

Best wishes,

InSPIre the Mind team

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Inspire the Mind

Stress, Psychiatry and Immunology Laboratory within @KingsIoPPN. Follow our publication InSPIre the Mind (